Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 7 -- Student Affairs
Academic Probation and Suspension
See the University Catalog for "Academic Probation and Suspension."
Advisors of Student Organizations
Change to Official Registration (Add/Withdrawal)
It is the responsibility of each faculty member to exercise every possible precaution in the preparation and care of all quizzes and examinations and in their administration. The faculty member can reduce to a minimum the cheating in class by being aware and observant. Administering the same test or examination semester after semester is encouragement for students to cheat. See Chapter 2: Academic Affairs; Academic Honesty
Discrimination Grievance Procedure for Students - see Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
Grade Appeals Policy and Procedures, Undergraduate Student
Graduate Assistantships
A certain number of graduate assistantships are available each year for qualified graduate students.
See https://www.fhsu.edu/academic/gradschl/admission/graduate-assistantships/.
Graduate School Appeals Policy
See Appeals Policy and Form on the Graduate School webpage.
Nontraditional Student Services and Policy Document
Participation in Assessment Activities
Privacy Rights - Student Records FERPA Policy
Privacy of Student Financial Information
Reports of Absence for Participation in Campus Activities
Lists of students who are away from the campus in group activities (football, band, etc.) are sent to faculty and the deans of the appropriate faculties via e-mail. Students are held responsible for the work missed during their absence (see Chapter 2).
Resident Tuition
Instructions to students seeking to establish Kansas residence for fee purposes in state educational institutions governed by the Kansas Board of Regents are available from the Registrar's Office. Undergraduate students from states designated in FHSU's Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) may also inquire about tuition by contacting the Registrar's Office.
Scheduling Student Social Events
The Scheduling Office is designated as the clearinghouse for the calendar of all University events and those sponsored by off-campus organizations. Any student, faculty member, organization, or department planning a special meeting or program is requested to schedule the time and place of each activity on the calendar of events.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Student Government Association
The constitution for the Student Government Association (SGA) of Fort Hays State University (FHSU) provides for an executive branch (student body officers), a legislative branch (Student Senate), and a judicial branch (Student/Faculty Court). These groups work closely with the faculty and administration in the development of the University. Each faculty member should read this constitution. The SGA constitution can be found on TigerLink.
Student Grievances and Complaints
Student Organizations and Activities
Student Probation
See the University Catalog for "Academic Probation and Suspension."
Student Tuition and Fees
The allocation of student fees will be in compliance with nondiscriminatory and equalitarian policies and practices. Allocations shall be reviewed for inequities and patterns of discrimination.
Student's Registration Canceled for Non-Payment of Fees
A student whose registration has been canceled for non-payment of fees shall not be permitted by the instructor to attend or participate in class until the instructor has received notification from the Office of the Registrar or the Student Fiscal Services Office.
The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to create additional contractual obligations or benefits.
NOTE: The provisions published in this Faculty and Staff Handbook are for general information only. Members of the collective bargaining unit represented by the Fort Hays State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors should consult the current Memorandum of Agreement for current terms and conditions applicable to bargaining unit members.