Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies Staff
Dr. Andrew Feldstein

Assistant Provost for Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies
Office: Hammond Hall 224
Phone: 785-628-4788
Email: apfeldstein@fhsu.edu
- Research and Development of Technology Enhanced Learning Tools and Platforms
- Professional Development in Social and Collaborative Online and Blended Learning
- Integrate Community of Inquiry Framework in Course Development and Delivery
Dr. Robert Luehrs

Teaching Excellence Coordinator
Office: Hammond Hall 221
Phone: 785-628-4193
Email: rluehrs@fhsu.edu
- Confidential one-on-one mentoring and consultation
- Advice on preparing tenure and promotion notebooks
- Counsel based on classroom visitations
Nicole Frank

Director of Professional Development
Ed.D. candidate, Higher Education Leadership
M.Ed., Adult Education & Training
Office: Hammond Hall 220
Phone: 785-628-5721
Email: nmfrank@fhsu.edu
Debby Pfeifer

Faculty Development Training Specialist
M.S. Elementary Education, ESL
Office: Hammond Hall 216
Phone: 785-628-4378
Email: dkpfeifer@fhsu.edu
Dr. Zhongrui Yao

Instructional Designer
Ph.D. Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies
M.S. Distance Education
Office: Remote
Dani Reilley
M.S. Instructional Technology
Office: Remote
Email: drreilley@fhsu.edu
May Yu-Harper

Academic Program Specialist
Doctoral Candidate in Higher Education Administration (ABD)
MBA in Digital Marketing
Office: Remote
Email: myyuharper@fhsu.edu
Dr. Magdalene Moy
Instructional Technologist
Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Learning Technologies
M.S. Microbiology and Immunology
M.S. Secondary Education
Office: Hammond 222
Phone: 785-628-4472
Email: mkmoy@fhsu.edu
Thomas Horne

Instructional Designer
M.A. English, Composition and Rhetoric focus
B.A. English
Office: Hammond 225
Phone: 785-628-5814
Email: t_horne2@fhsu.edu
Autumn Wertz
Student Employee
Thane Stuhlsatz

Student Employee
Oziel Martinez Mondragon
Student Employee
Kyle Horn
Student Employee
Micah Von Stroh

Student Employee
Haley Schmidt

Student Employee
Tera Wistuba

Student Employee
Johanna Vera

Student Employee
Jacoby Hurtado

Student Employee
Brandon Robertson
Student Employee