Faculty Senate
From a long and strong leadership history, the FHSU Faculty Senate represents the faculty of FHSU in participating in the shared governance of the University.
Meeting monthly during the academic year, the FHSU Faculty Senate is advisory to the president of the University and, as such, follows its bylaws and standing rules to provide representative participation of the faculty as interested partners in decision-making and the effective management of the vital affairs affecting campus personnel. Furthermore, the faculty senate president attends monthly Kansas Board of Regents meetings and senate members serve with their counterparts from other Regents schools on KBOR committees. Current FHSU Faculty Senate meeting agendas and minutes are open to the public, whereas archived meeting minutes, agendas, attendance and recommendations are available via Faculty Senate Archives housed at Forsyth Library per current bylaws.
The FHSU Faculty Senate cooperates with the Student Senate in promoting conditions for effective learning and fair treatment of the students; actions of the Student Senate may be reviewed by the Faculty Senate at the request of the president of the University or any member of the Faculty Senate. It cooperates with the Alumni Association and University Support Staff Senate to achieve common goals and objectives. It cooperates with the surrounding geographic community to promote the collective interests of FHSU.