Advance Your Teaching and Administrative Experience Through Online Programs

Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of teaching techniques, become a building principal, community counselor, subject specialist, or renew your license, the Department of Advanced Education Programs at Fort Hays State University provides numerous degrees and the scheduling flexibility that will enable you to meet your career goals.
Although you can participate in class from anywhere around the world, you will quickly become a part of our community of confident learners and tenacious Tigers. Interactions with your classmates and your expert instructors will enrich your learning experience, even without being in a traditional classroom environment.
Feel the Freedom of a Degree Around Your Schedule
At Fort Hays State, online does not mean impersonal. Our innovative virtual programs really mean you have the flexibility and freedom to plan your program according to your schedule – and finish it on time – with a community of colleagues standing behind you.
Once you are accepted into a program, a faculty member within your specialty area will guide you throughout your studies. Although the requirements for each program vary, you may be able to complete your degree without setting foot on campus, while still developing rich relationships with faculty and fellow classmates.
Our courses include a unique combination of communication methods and educational platforms, including Blackboard, Google Apps for Education, blogs, Wikis, YouTube and Facebook.
- You may choose from a range of accredited academic programs
- Non-degree licensure programs
- Master's degrees
- Specialist in education degree (counseling, school district leadership and educational leadership)
CAEP Accreditation

The Department of Advanced Education Programs holds Advanced-Level Accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). See the Fort Hays State University CAEP Accredited Provider page for details.
Advanced-Level Accreditation is provided at the post-baccalaureate or graduate levels leading to licensure, certification, or endorsement. Advanced-Level Programs are designed to develop P-12 teachers who have already completed an initial-licensure program, currently licensed administrators, or other certified (or similar state language) school professionals for employment in P-12 schools/districts. CAEP's Advanced-Level accreditation does not include any advanced-level program not specific to the preparation of teachers or other school professionals for P-12 schools/districts; any advanced-level non-licensure programs, including those specific to content areas; or Educational leadership programs not specific to the preparation of teachers or other school professionals for P-12 schools/districts.
School Administrators With Job Openings to Post
FHSU uses the career technology tool Handshake. In Handshake, employers can post jobs and internships and allow students to apply for the job through Handshake, view student profile information and resumes, sign up for FHSU career fairs, etc. There is no cost for employers to join Handshake or connect to FHSU. We do encourage our students to use this resource.
Set up your account. Once registered, you will need to connect with Fort Hays State University. Once connected, you can post jobs, view student information, and register for career fairs.
Please contact Career Services with any questions. They are more than happy to help you set up your Handshake account and visit about ways you can connect with FHSU students. Their phone number is 785-628-4260 or they can be reached by email at
Interested in becoming a teacher?
Find out which program at FHSU that meets your needs.
Advanced Education Programs’ Vision Statement
To be the leader in preparing inclusive educational and community professionals to unlock innovative potential in a rapidly advancing world.
Advanced Education Programs’ Mission Statement
Prepare 21 st century global leaders who serve in educational and community settings. Degree programs focus on the interaction among innovative technologies, relevant content, diversity and best practices.