COBE Handbook
- Policies and Procedures
- Administrative
- Communications
- After a new full-time or adjunct faculty member or staff member is hired, the departmental office will initiate appropriate computer and telecommunications services for that individual.
- Lotus Notes
- Lotus Notes is the official e-mail software and workflow for the university. All faculty and staff should have a Lotus Notes e-mail account. In most cases, official communications with students, faculty, and others will be through Lotus Notes (Faculty teaching in China may find that Gmail or other commercial services are more accessible than Lotus Notes; however, some workflow processes such as applying for Faculty Development funding are only possible through Lotus Notes). The Office of Technology Services provides training on Lotus Notes.
- Computing Resources
- Each on-campus faculty member has a computer provided by the university and access to printing. China faculty are offered laptops by the College and partner institutions are to provide printing services. Instructional labs are available for academic and student use. Current software and operating systems are in use within the labs, faculty offices, and departmental offices in the College of Business and Entrepreneurship. Faculty members who have software needs for labs should communicate these needs to their department chairs who will relay requests to the College Instructional Coordinator.
Faculty members are connected to the University LAN and internet connection. Within the COBE, there is a network that allows storage for academic use. The Coordinator of Instructional Technology and staff provide software and hardware support for faculty, administration, and the instructional labs in the college.
Use of Computing Resources Policy from university handbook: - University Software Center
- Software for free or at discounted prices: FHSU has campus license agreements which allow faculty, staff, and students to obtain Microsoft Office 365 and other software (such as SPSS) for free or at discounted prices. For more information, see:
- Copier
- Each department within the College of Business and Leadership maintains a copier. Faculty and staff members will be provided with a copier code to utilize the copier for work-related use.
- Telecommunications
- Usage Policies
- Long Distance Calls
- Long distance calls are charged to the department phone being used in making the call and should only be made for university-related business.
- Faxes
- Some departments have fax machines in their departmental office, otherwise the College of Business and Leadership maintains a fax machine for COBE faculty to use for university-related business.
- Instructional Technology
- Blackboard Website
- Blackboard is the official instructional technology platform used by FHSU. Students expect course information, announcements, and communications to occur within this platform. Other platforms may be used on an experimental basis IF approved and coordinated with CTELT. Otherwise, faculty are expected to use Blackboard. - CTELT Services
- Library Services
- Printing Service
- Large scale printing and printing that includes binding, color printing, customized graphics and other significant needs can be done at the FHSU Print Shop. Faculty who conduct printing off campus without prior approvals may be personally responsible for the costs of such printing. - Media Equipment Checkout
- While mediated classrooms are standard at FHSU, faculty may find they have additional needs for cameras, projection equipment, an additional laptop, portable screen or other equipment. This equipment is available through the library.
- Facilities Usage
- FHSU, like other universities provides facilities for mission related activities, but limits or prohibits use that are incompatible or beyond the scope of the mission or the capabilities of facilities.
- Scheduling Classrooms
- Classrooms are scheduled for individual classes during the course development and room conflict resolution process by the department chair. A one-time use of a classroom can be scheduled using the 25Live Room Reservation System
- Scheduling Labs
- The computer labs in McCartney are scheduled for one-time uses through the Dean's Office in MC 101. Regular classes that need to be scheduled in a lab are scheduled in the same manner as classrooms.
- Scheduling Conference Rooms
- The conference rooms in MC 109, MC 219A and MC 328 are scheduled through the Dean's Office in MC 101.
- Scheduling Rooms at the Union can be done online using the 25Live Room Reservation System
- University Bookstore
- Faculty are required to work within the university system and to place book orders for texts that will be used in classes in future semesters. Faculty are required to meet bookstore deadlines and to work with departmental administrative assistants who work to coordinate departmental book orders. For information on the FHSU Bookstore (operated by Follett) visit:
- Human Resources
- AAUP-FHSU Memorandum of Agreement
- Many faculty processes including tenure and promotion are governed by the AAUP-FHSU Memorandum of Agreement. - Personal Services
- The Office of Personnel Services processes tax withholding documents, adding or dropping of dependents from insurance, and retirement program elections. - Sick Leave
- Faculty should submit days of absence due to illness to the department administrative assistant for payroll reporting purposes and the departmental chair. Persons reporting to the Dean, will report sick leave to the COBE administrative assistant and the Dean. Reporting should be through Lotus Workflow. - Holidays
- The only holiday that classes are held on is Veteran's Day. All other holidays the university is closed. The listing of official Kansas State Holidays may be found at: - Annual Leave
- Faculty members teaching on 9-month contracts do not have annual leave allotments. Persons working on 12-month contracts have annual leave accruals and should request permission to use leave via their supervisor and should include the appropriate administrative assistant in the request. All requests should be made through Lotus Workflow.
- Training
- Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies Training Workshops
- Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies provides training on both instructional technology tools and pedagogical techniques. COBE faculty are encouraged to use the services of TILT and to use TILT Training Workshops as part of annual efforts to maintain pedagogical currency. - Technology Training Workshops
- Technology Services provides training workshops on key communication and administrative tools such as Lotus Notes.
- Travel
- General Information
- Faculty travel should be initiated through informal communication with the faculty member's chair. If the chair is supportive, the travel request should be submitted in a formal process. For administrative travel such as visiting high schools or community colleges for recruitment, travel should be initiated with the help of the Departmental Administrative Assistant and must be approved by the Chair, Dean, and Provost through Lotus Workflow. Faculty seeking to attend academic conferences or other faculty development activities should submit a request for support through Lotus Workflow for Faculty Development Funding. Requests with merit will typically receive funding support from the department, college, and Provost Office. Faculty should work with the departmental administrative assistant to make travel arrangements.
State of Kansas Travel Website:
FHSU Travel Website: - Travel Arrangements
- The link below provides a travel information worksheet to fill out and give to the department administrative assistant so a request for travel (PR and Travel Receipts Form) can be submitted to the Business Office. Proper documentation is required prior to travel. - Travel Reimbursement
- The link below provides a travel receipts worksheet to fill out upon return from a trip. This form along with all travel receipts need to be given to the department administrative assistant for processing the Travel Receipts form with the Business Office. - State Car Usage
- FHSU maintains a fleet of vehicles for official travel. Use of the vehicles is governed by university and state policies and regulations:
- Rental Car Usage
- Food Service
- University policies and a sole provider contract with a food service (Chartwells) both provide access to food services and limits. These are explained at:
- General Policies
- Drug Free Workplace
- Non-Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Bomb Threat
- - Fire
- Lost and Found
- The COBE provides two "lost and found" locations. Items found in McCartney Hall are available in MC 101. Items found in Heather Hall are available in HH 108. - Parking and Traffic Regulations
- Office Keys
- Keys are issued to faculty and staff from the Lock Shop Office in the Witt Building, Room 108. A key authorization card, signed by your supervisor, needs to be presented before a key will be issued.
Building access policy - Tobacco Usage