Emergency Management Plan
I. Introduction, Overview and Mission
II. Summary of the Crisis Management Plan
III. Crisis Response Protocols
I. Overview
Fort Hays State University (FHSU) faces risk from a variety of potential emergencies caused by acts of nature or man that result in loss of life and property, cause human suffering, and disrupt normal campus operations.
To address such emergencies, FHSU has established this Emergency Management Plan (EMP), which provides a guideline for the management of the actions and operations required to plan for, respond to and recover from an emergency or disaster. The overall objective of FHSU's emergency operations is to respond to emergency conditions and manage the restoration of normal functions.
Guiding Principles
- FHSU will at all times be guided by the primary focus of preserving human life in its response to any given emergency. Considerations of maintaining normal operations, protecting property, securing information, preserving financial assets and maintaining or repairing the image of FHSU within the local community and beyond will also be taken into account in developing responses to crisis events.
- FHSU is committed to effective collaboration with local, county, state and national officials, both public and private. To the extent possible, FHSU will act in concert with local, state and federal emergency management agencies and conduct its emergency management activities consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS).
- FHSU is committed to open and honest communication with the campus and community in the event of an emergency. FHSU will provide timely information to the media and other interested parties to the best of its ability in any emergency.
Purpose of the Plan
This EMP is based on the models provided by the NIMS and the ICS. This EMP uses an all-hazards philosophy and describes FHSU's Mitigation and Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery strategies.
- Mitigation - Assessing the potential for harm to the FHSU community, evaluating each emergency response to improve future responses, and minimizing future harm to FHSU and its constituents.
- Preparedness - Creating and revising emergency plans, conducting training and exercises of emergency managers and FHSU community members, and planning emergency responses for different types of emergencies.
- Response - Responding immediately to a critical incident, including protecting life and infrastructure.
- Recovery - Planning for and implementing actions to restore operations, including implementation of FHSU's Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
The EMP is local in scope but is intended to support a comprehensive, multi-agency and multi-disciplinary approach to emergency management. The EMP addresses the objectives that are summarized below:
- Defines the members, roles and responsibilities of the Critical Incident Policy Group (CIPG), an executive policy group vested with the authority to create and enforce the provisions of the EMP;
- Defines roles and responsibilities of FHSU personnel charged with managing and responding to a declared emergency event;
- Defines authority for declaring a campus emergency and activating the EMP and Emergency Operations Center (EOC);
- Defines the three levels of emergencies and the four stages of response;
- Identifies the FHSU Emergency Co-Managers and the Incident Management Team (IMT) designated to manage and respond to an emergency in accordance with the ICS;
- Defines the Emergency Notification System (ENS) and identifies the personnel with the authority to activate the system;
- Identifies, assesses and prioritizes local risks and available resources;
- Defines the members, roles and responsibilities of the COOP Committee and describes the FHSU COOP Plan;
- Defines the members, roles and responsibilities of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT);
- Plans for the use of public and private emergency resources in the case of an emergency;
- Provides for temporary essential services until the return of normal services;
- Describes procedures to request outside resources as needed;
- Prioritizes response to the needs of specific populations;
- Identifies appropriate funding mechanisms;
- Defines the members, roles and responsibilities of the Crisis Training Committee and sets forth a plan for conducting training and exercises; and
- Identifies memoranda of understanding with appropriate local first responders and other organizations.
The EMP includes or references appendices, building plans, specific emergency response plans, emergency contact information, continuity and recovery plans, and other resources.
The EMP may be activated during emergencies, which may include, but are not limited to:
- Armed or Violent Behavior.
- Bomb Threats or Explosions.
- Chemical, Biological, Radiation or Nuclear Incidents.
- Civil Disorder.
- Earthquakes or Building Collapse.
- Fire.
- Infectious Disease.
- Tornados and Severe Weather.
- Utility Emergencies.
- Other Natural or Man-Made Disasters.
This EMP will guide FHSU's response to emergencies. This plan does not nullify or supersede other FHSU policies and procedures relating to campus safety that already exist, such as policies relating to crime reporting and timely warnings.
Laws and Regulations
A. Federal
- Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act, 42 U.S.C. § 5121 et seq., (Federal Government disaster preparedness and assistance).
- Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security (rules and regulations on Federal disaster response and recovery).
- Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C § 9601 (hazardous substances releases and liability).
- Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C § 1311 (effluent limitations).
- Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, 42 Code of Federal Regulations Part 73.
- Resource Conservation Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C § 6901 (requires proper management of hazardous waste).
- Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, 42 U.S.C § 201.
- Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002, 7 U.S.C § 8401, (addresses possession, use and transfer of biological agents and toxins).
- 20 U.S.C. 1001, the Higher Education Opportunity Act.
B. State
- K.S.A. 48-904 - 48-945, Emergency Preparedness for Disasters.
- 48-905a - Establishes Division of Emergency Management in Adjutant General's Office.
- 48-907 - Duties of Adjutant General for emergency preparedness and response
- 48-924 - Governor's responsibility in disasters
- 48-926 - Division of Emergency Management shall prepare and maintain a state disaster emergency plan.
- 48-928 - Duties of Division of Emergency Management
- 76-725 - Delegation of Authority to President and to those he/she designates for the administration of FHSU.
- Executive Order 05-03, Establishes the National Incident Management System as the state standard for incident management.
C. Kansas Board of Regents:
- "Crisis Management Safety and Security Plan Review."
I. Introduction, Overview and Mission
II. Summary of the Crisis Management Plan
III. Crisis Response Protocols