Software Engineering - Project (Final) Demo #2

Demo #2 -- Iteration 2

This demo should show your accomplishments for the entire course. The structure and grading criteria for the demo are the same as for the demo #1.

1.   Demo Format

Also see the format of Demo #1.

You should demonstrate the functional features of your software product. Please avoid demonstrating login, user authentication, and creating new user accounts. Focus on highlighting your achievements after the first demo. Of course, you need to demonstrate the functions in context, but put emphasis on your new accomplishments (after the first demo).

The demo format is as follows:

  1. Present a short overview of the product—who and what is it for
  2. Show a “roadmap” slide for your presentation highlighting the key steps
    Avoid long slide presentation and instead focus on a live software demonstration to show the product functionality
  3. Highlight one, two, or three key features/functions:
    1. Briefly describe what the function does
    2. Demonstrate how the users will use it
    3. Highlight important aspects, such as user interface design, what is happening at the application’s back-end, etc.
Most important: Do not only show what the user could do manually with your system; show also what the system can do automatically -- what are the “smarts” of your system that are worth noticing? What kind of automatic data processing your system does?
Automation is not when the user does most of the thinking and work to get even simple tasks accomplished. User’s effort, in terms of remembering what system input currently is appropriate, the range of acceptable inputs, the number of clicks and keystrokes necessary for task completion, etc., must be minimized. During your presentation, explicitly highlight such features of your system.

The most important thing for the demo is that you want to impress the audience with your technical achievement for this semester. You want to impress the audience that:

2.   Demo Schedule

(the same as for Demo #1)

3.   Grading

(the same as for Demo #1)

4.   Demo Documents Submission

Do not submit the combined project materials just after the second demo (as you did for Demo #1), but instead include everything as part of your Electronic Project Archive.


Mike Mireku Kwakye
Thur Mar 28 13:14:16 EDT 2024