Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with a Major in Accounting
A B.B.A. degree with a major in accounting prepares you for a variety of high-demand careers in both the public and private sectors of the economy in accounting-related fields including governmental, financial, auditing, cost, tax, and systems.
After successful completion of the program, students will possess the abilities required by entry-level accountants, be able to clearly communicate accounting problems and solutions, and be exposed to computer applications as they relate to the accounting functions.
Course Offerings Schedule - check when classes are scheduled for on-campus and online delivery
General Education Program
New incoming students are automatically placed on the KBOR Systemwide Transfer General Education Program comprised of 34 credit hours organized in six discipline-based areas and two institutionally designated areas.
Business Core - 27 Credit Hours
ACCT 203 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 204 Principles of Accounting II
BCOM 301 Strategic Business Communication
FIN 305 Managerial Finance
GBUS 204 Business Law I
MGT 301 Management Principles
MGT 602 Production & Operations Management
MGT 650 Business Policy
MKT 301 Marketing Principles
Accounting Quantitative Core - 12 Credit Hours
MATH 110 College Algebra
MATH 250 Elements of Statistics
ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
Accounting Major - 30 Credit Hours
Accounting Core - 18 Credit Hours
ACCT 303 Cost Accounting
ACCT 305 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 306 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 360 Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 402 Income Tax Procedure
ACCT 412 Auditing
Accounting Electives - 12 Credit Hours - Choose 4 classes from the following
ACCT 310 Fraud Examination
ACCT 315 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 406 Governmental & Institutional Accounting
ACCT 409 Ethics for Accountants
ACCT 467 Internship (with approval of advisor and department chair)
ACCT 601 Advanced Accounting
ACCT 608 CPA Problems
ACCT 610 Advanced Tax Procedure
Directed Electives - 6 Credit Hours - Choose 2 classes from the following list (additional courses will require advisor and departmental approval)
ECON 601 Quantitative Methods
ECON 640 Money and Banking
ECON 651 Managerial Economics
FIN 311 Fundamentals of Investments
FIN 405 Intermediate Finance
FIN 450 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 630 Insurance Planning
FIN 641 Financial Markets and Institutions
GBUS 403 Commercial Law
GBUS 404 Business Organizations and Government Regulations
INF 304 Management Information Systems
INF 604 Data Analytics I
Or another ACCT class
A minimum of 120 total credit hours are needed to graduate.