Judicial Affairs
Bystander Engagement
The welfare of students in our community is of paramount importance. At times, students on and off-campus may need assistance. FHSU encourages students to offer help and assistance to others in need. Sometimes, students are hesitant to offer assistance to others, for fear that they may get themselves in trouble (for example, a student who has been drinking underage might hesitate to help take a sexual misconduct victim to the University Police Department). The university pursues a policy of limited immunity for students who offer help to others in need. While policy violations cannot be overlooked, the university will provide educational options, rather than punishment, to those who offer their assistance to others in need.
Training Opportunities
As part of the university's commitment to providing a working and learning environment free from sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking, policy shall be disseminated widely to the university community through publications, websites, new employee orientations, student orientations, and other appropriate channels of communication. The university shall make preventive educational materials available to all members of the university community to promote compliance with this Policy and familiarity with local procedures. Each Dean/Director shall designate university employees responsible for reporting sexual harassment an sexual violence and make available prevention training to designated employees. In addition, the university will provide annual training to investigators and hearing officers.
Student Affairs - Top 10 Training for Faculty and Staff
Contact: Dr. Kenton Olliff and Dr. Teresa Clounch for specific department or college-wide trainings.
The Campus Safe Initiative
Contact: Dr. Teresa Clounch, Dr. Hsin-Yen Yang, and April Terry for more information about the committee an how you can be involved.
The Campus Safe Initiative's ultimate goal is to transform FHSU to:
- prevent abusive behaviors by engaging faculty, staff and students in promoting healthy relationships;
- ensure that the institution is prepared to respond promptly and effectively to incidents and reports of violence when they do occur; and
- ultimately change campus norms so that campus members hold themselves and each other to respectful and non-violent standards of interpersonal behavior.
Resident Advisor Training
Women's Leadership
- UNIV 101 Gender-Based Violence Training
Title IX Responsible Employees
Responsible employees must report all instances of sexual misconduct to their immediate supervisor or the Title IX Coordinator. Responsible employees cannot promise victims confidentiality. Fort Hays State University has defined the following people as Responsible Employees:
- Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators
- Director and Assistant Director of Residential Life
- Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors
- Resident Advisors
- Club and Organization Faculty Advisors
- Academic Administrators (Provost, Deans, Chairs)
- Administrative (President, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Administration & Finance)
- Director of Athletics, Assistant Directors, and Athletic Coaches
Campus Safety Authorities (CSA)
CSA's are responsible for reporting crimes (theft, fighting, illegal drug or alcohol use, etc.) to University Police Department or the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. Fort Hays State University has defined the following people as Responsible Employees:
- Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators
- Director and Assistant Director of Residential Life
- Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors
- Resident Advisors
- Club and Organization Faculty Advisors
- Academic Administrators (Provost, Deans, Chairs)
- Administrative (President, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Administration & Finance)
- Director of Athletics, Assistant Directors, and Athletic Coaches
Description of educational programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses, include but are not limited to:
The Red Flag Campaign
Month long national campaign that raises awareness of gender-based violence as an issue on college campuses and trains students on bystander intervention.
Campus Safety Walk
The SGA spends an evening walking through campus to update lighting, emergency phones, etc. The object of the walk is to seek out ways to make the campus physical environment safer.
UNIV 101 Bystander Intervention Training
Coordinated by the Women's Leadership Project and the Campus Safe Initiative this 2 day session educates the entire incoming class on the issue on gender-based violence on college campuses, the resources offered to them at FHSU, and students on bystander intervention.
Healthy Relationships Workshops under TIGER Series
The Health Center led a workshop addressing what it means to be in a healthy relationship and what is not a healthy relationship and this affects college students.
RAINN Day is a one day national event put on the RAINN network to raise awareness that sexual assault happens on college campuses and urges students to take a pledge to be an ally in ending sexual assault on their campus.
Consent is Sexy
A 40 Days at the Fort event that leads a campaign to raise awareness that rape happens in college, what constitutes rape, and the importance of asking and giving consent.
Faculty/Staff Title IX Training
Title IX coordinator led a 1 hour training on how staff and faculty should respond if a student reports a sex offense to them.
Campus Men's Action Network
New organization formed on campus that encourages men's work in ending gender-based violence on college campus and how male students can be allies.
The Hunting Ground film screening
Documentary about rape on college campuses and raises awareness about the importance of prevention and education efforts.
Self-Defense Workshop
The Defensive Tactics Club and Women's Leadership Project host a free self-defense workshop once a semester to teach students how to defend themselves against sexual assault.
Peer Mentor Institute Session presentations
Know Your Title IX
Presentation addressed gender-based violence as an issue on college campuses and the need for awareness.
Presenters provided participants with how to respond if they or someone they know is a victim and shared resources on campus that they can use.
Title IX Education
This session was for student affairs staff and faculty and shared Title IX policy, how to respond, addressed reporting expectations, and the many resources that could be found on their campus.