Grade Appeals Policy
All students in philosophy classes have the right to questions assigned grades in the department. Students should carefully examine their own work and other related factors of performance, such as class attendance, before pursing an appeal. However, if student believe assigned grades are the result of an instructor error, discrimination, or other unfair practices, they should most certainly question the basis upon which the grades were awarded. If such an appeal is made, the philosophy department will proceed in the following steps. Note well that STEPS 1 and 2 must be initiated by the student within thirty calendar days after official final grades are posted, usually the Monday following finals week. If the student is appealing a grade assigned by the chair of the department, then the tasks assigned to the chair in each of the following steps will be assumed by the Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
STEP 1. The student should meet with the course instructor and request an explanation of the basis for the grade. If this explanation is unsatisfactory to the student for any reason, the student should proceed to step two if the course instructor is not the chair of the department or to step six if the course instructor is the chair.
STEP 2. The student should contact the chair of the department and explain the questions and issues concerning the course instructor's assigned grade. The student should explain any and all information relevant to the questions at hand. The chair will then discuss the matter with the instructor. The desired outcome of this stage of the process is agreement between student and instructor. The chair will not decide upon an appropriate grade at this point. If these discussions with the student and instructor do not produce a resolution satisfactory to the student, the student has the option of continuing the appeal process with step three.
STEP 3. The student will prepare a formal, written complaint concerning the assignment of a grade, addressing the complaint to the chair of the department. The chair will proceed with step four.
STEP 4. The chair of the department will constitute a Philosophy Department Appeals Committee and refer the student's formal appeal to the committee. This committee will consist of three faculty members, including as many as possible from within the philosophy department. The committee will not include either the chair of the department or the instructor in question. The Philosophy Department Appeals Committee will make a recommendation to the chair.
STEP 5. The chair of the department will decide to accept or reject the recommendation of the Philosophy Department Appeals Committee and will communicate his or her decision in writing to the student within one week of receiving the committee's recommendation. If the student is not satisfied with the chair's decision, the student has the option of continuing the appeal process with step six.
STEP 6. The student may appeal the assigned grade to the Provost. This appeal will be conducted according to the procedures the Provost has established. The department chair will notify the Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences in writing that the student is appealing the decision to the Provost.
APPROVED: 08/28/15