Purchasing Guidelines
1. The Purchasing Procedures and Guidelines are listed below. Complete Purchasing process for Workday is located on the FHSU website: https://www.fhsu.edu/workday/Purchasing/
2. Purchasing Thresholds:
- $25,000 and over for Formal Bids
- $5,000 - $24,999.99 for Informal Bids
- $5,000 or greater than Prior Authorization
- Less than $5,000 for Regular Purchases
3. Once the bid process is finished, the appropriate Online Workflow Form (which replaces Lotus Notes) will be completed. Exceptions: Membership Dues, Subscriptions, and Speakers/Entertainers
- Bid Comparison Form for the Formal Bid process for purchases $25,000 or greater, including items on state contracts and should all items for the project/order
- Informal Bid Form for the Informal Bid process for purchases $5,000 to $24,999.99, including items on state contracts and should all items for the project/order
- Prior Authorization for Sole Source (Goods), Consulting (Services), or Delegated Authority (Emergency purchases to be determined by the Purchasing Office) of $5,000 or greater that include all items for the project/order
4. Once the Online Workflow Form (Bid Comparison Form, Informal Bid Form, and Prior Authorization) is verbally approved by the Purchasing Office, a purchase order will be processed:
- If the Supplier accepts payment by credit card without fees, complete:
- Online Workflow P-Card Purchase Order Form
- Reminder: Do not complete a Workday Requisition
- If the Supplier requires payment by check or ACH, verify Supplier is on Workday. If not, process a Workday Create Supplier Request. Once the Supplier is approved, create a Workday Requisition
5. Regular Purchases. Less than $5,000 requiring a purchase order sent to the Supplier. Exceptions: Office Supplies, Computer Software and Hardware, Printing Jobs, Real Estate Leases:
- If Supplier accepts payment by credit card without fees, complete:
- Online Workflow P-Card Purchase Order Form
- Reminder: Do not complete a Workday Requisition
- If the Supplier requires payment by check or ACH, create a Workday Requisition
6. Monthly Payments (Utilities and Other Blankets - Kaiser Trash, Midwest Energy, Jetz Laundry)
- Payment by credit card
- If the Supplier requires payment by check or ACH, create a Workday Requisition
7. All contracts, agreements, booth rentals, applications, grants, etc. (including insurance applications) require pre-approval. General Counsel reviews the document(s), and the President or Vice President for Administration and Finance are the only ones authorized to sign the contract or agreement. This also includes quotes for purchases requiring a signature and any electronic agreement or contract (examples include DocuSign, PandaDoc, HelloSign, etc).
8. The Purchasing Office will send the purchase order, quote, contract document(s), and the State of Kansas DA-146a (terms and conditions) to the Supplier
9. Once the goods are ready to ship or received or the service completed, the department will notify the Purchasing Office by email, purchasing@fhsu.edu, or phone to approve the Online Workflow Form
- If payment is processed by check or ACH and an amount or cost center has changed, the Purchasing Office will need to create a Workday Change Order before the department processes the invoice(s) through the Supplier Invoice Workbench
- If payment is processed by credit card, approval of the Online Workflow Form means your credit card is opened to the authorized amount and you can contact the Supplier to make payment
- Office supplies are purchased through Central Purchasing. This includes items from Wal-mart and Sam's Club. https://webapps.fhsu.edu/CentralPurchasing/Default.
- Amazon orders should be processed through the Amazon Business Prime account. Specific individuals are setup with accounts. If a new administrative employee needs an account setup, please reach out to Central Purchasing at 785-628-4239 or by email to CentralPurchasing@fhsu.edu.
- Computer hardware and software are purchased through Technology Services, https://www.fhsu.edu/technology/purchasing-procedures/. This includes sole source boxed software, software licensing, and software maintenance.
- All printing requests are processed through Printing Services, https://www.fhsu.edu/printshop/ or call 785-628-5310.
- All Real Estate Leases are processed through the Purchasing Office.
- HON is the campus standard for furniture. For large orders please contact Facilities Planning, https://www.fhsu.edu/administrative/facilities-planning/ for small orders please contact Central Purchasing, 785-628-4239.
- Exclusive Beverage Contract is through Pepsi. This includes purchases of bottled water and all Pepsi Products. No Other brands are allowed. Please order bottled water through the Union Catering Company by calling 785-628-4476 or emailing sales@theunioncc.com.
- Food Services Contract is through the Union Catering Company. This is for ALL catering on campus. Please contact the Union Catering Company at 785-628-4476 or email sales@theunioncc.com for catering requests.
- Prepayment of goods, services, or lodging is not allowed per The Kansas Prompt Payment Act.
- All contracts, agreements, applications, grants, booth rentals, (including electronic versions) or anything requiring a signature must be sent to the Purchasing Office, purchasing@fhsu.edu. Only the President and Vice President for Administration and Finance are authorized to sign for FHSU.
- If scheduling meeting rooms, lodging, and/or food for a special event or conference and the cost is over $5,000.00, bids must be processed.
- Receipt books are available through the Purchasing Office. You must stop in the office to collect the book and sign for it.
- Contact Purchasing at purchasing@fhsu.edu for assistance with the following:
- Request for Tax Exemption Certificate - send vendor name, address, and description of purchase (ex. Holiday Inn Express, 4650 Roth Ave, Hays, KS 67601; Lodging for FHSU employee X from 08/01/2023 to 08/05/2023, confirmation number XXXXX).
- Request to complete a Credit Application.
- Request for Fort Hays State University W-9.
- Non-driver forms - if a non-employee is driving, a non-state driver agreement form must be completed.