Early Tiger Alert / Navigate 360
Early Tiger Alert is now utilizing EAB Navigate 360
The system is designed to help Fort Hays State University’s faculty, advisors, administrators, and students communicate. It can help ensure student success by identifying students* who are at-risk and connecting those students to services that are offered through FHSU. Additionally, Early Tiger Alert is a great way for faculty to provide meaningful feedback to students.
Faculty Staff Information
- Faculty/Staff Guide
- Launch the EAB Navigate 360 Faculty/Staff Site
- The recommended browser is Google Chrome or Firefox.
- If you get an initial error please refresh and close and re-open the window until you get your FHSU Login and DUO security step.
Questions? Email the platform administrators at navigate360@fhsu.edu
Student Information
- Student Guide
- Launch the EAB Navigate 360 Student Site
- The recommended browser is Google Chrome or Firefox.
Questions? Email the early tiger alert team at earlytigeralert@fhsu.edu
*Spring 2025 FHSU on-campus and online undergraduate students will be in Navigate. If you need to submit an alert on a graduate level student, please continue to email earlytigeralert@fhsu.edu.
What is an alert? What happens when an alert is raised?
- Alerts can be raised on students for a variety of reasons including – low participation, attendance concern, in danger of failing, low test/quiz scores, or for general concerns. The alerts notify the student of any issues or concerns related to the course or to the students’ academic career. One alert should be raised at a time for a student. If the student is having trouble in more than one area, utilize the general concern flag to address multiple issues. All flags should have a comment that thoroughly addresses the faculty’s concern. The "general concern" alert does not send an automatic email to the student. The majority of alerts will trigger an email automatically from the system with the comments from the faculty. The system will let you know who will be contact once the alert is submitted. Alerts that open cases, are assigned to the Early Tiger Alert team will have the following follow up: a student will receive a personalized email within 1 business day, if no response a text message within 3 business days, and if no contact is made with a student a phone call will be made within 5 business days of the alert being issued. Once contact is made with the student the case will be closed and an email will be sent to the alert raiser.
What concerns should you issue an alert for?
- A student has excessive absences from class (3 or more)
- Assignments are not being completed
- Unsatisfactory scores on exams or quizzes
- Failing grades
- Evidence of an unhealthy lifestyle
- A student is not participating in class
Why should I complete the two progress reports throughout the semester?
- By completing the progress report you are giving the early tiger alert team valuable information to reach out to students to connect with services. It can also be very valuable for students to know how they stand in the course. By submitting feedback, a student may have time to drop or withdraw from a course they will not be successful in.
How can I issue an ad-hoc alert?
- On the student’s profile select “Issue an Alert” under Actions. Select the reason, and if associated with a particular class, select the course from the drop-down menu; finally, please provide relevant context around your reason for submitting the alert in the comments. Your alert may open a case. You will receive an email notification when the case has been resolved.
What automatic email will the student receive after an alert is issued?
- Alerts that trigger automatic emails will be sent when the alert is issued. The email message can be viewed here. the "General Concern" alert that can be issued ad-hoc does not send an automatic email to the student!
What happens when a case is closed?
- Alerts that are issued and cases created will be addressed by the Early Tiger Alert team through email, text, and phone communication. Cases that are closed in Navigate 360 will have close reasons that will be documented in the system. Once the case is closed, the person that raised the alert will be notified.
How can I complete a progress report? How long do I have to complete it?
- You will be prompted by email to complete the progress survey. Select “Fill out Progress Report”. In the feedback screen, complete the information on all students in your course. If you are short on time, you can select only a few students and save and come back later. You can also select only a few students you want to leave feedback on and the rest of the students will be submitted as “I do not have feedback about this student”.
What is a “Kudos” in the system?
- A Kudo is raised to acknowledge positive progress and students’ academic achievements. These can be given for various reasons including – keep up the good work or showing improvement. It is important to encourage students to continue their good work in class. When a kudo is given, the student will be notified by an automatic system-generated email. This email will include your comments for raising the Kudos.
Can students schedule appointments in Navigate 360?
- Once the student-facing app is available, FHSU students will be able to schedule appointments with Academic Success (Tutoring and Academic Success Coaching). Faculty/Staff can choose to set up available in Navigate 360 and can utilize the Personal Availability Link (PAL) for scheduling. This feature will not be available until students can log on to the Student Navigate 360 site.
How can students schedule an academic tutoring appointment until the system is ready?
- Academic Success Programs is utilizing Navigate to schedule appointments. Students can stop by the first floor of the Center for Student Success (Area 142) or email success@fhsu.edu to schedule appointments. Students will get email confirmations from Navigate 360 for their tutoring appointment(s).
What FHSU student population is active in Navigate?
- For Fall 2024, undergraduate FHSU on-campus and online students will be integrated into EAB Navigate from FHSU Workday. Students "Preferred Name" from Workday is pulled into EAB Navigate.
EAB Navigate Getting Started Help Center: https://helpcenter.eab.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014219053-Getting-Started-with-Navigate360-Staff-Workflows