Akers Energy Center
Built in 1968, the Akers Energy Center known as the "New Power Plant" up until it's dedication in November of 1991. The building was then dedicated in honor of Dale L Akers, former Physical Plant Director. Dale gave 42 years of loyal service to Fort Hays State University, retiring in November, 1991. (Building Dedication)
In 2002 with the anticipation of a campus wide 12470 volt electrical distribution upgrade, peak shaving generation and renewable wind energy, the Energy Division was created. An additional electrical switch gear building was added just South of Akers Energy Center in 2007 for these upgrades.
Eight full-time employees work at the Akers Energy Center. Their responsibilities include:
- 12470 V Electrical Distribution
- Staefa Building Control Management
- Steam Generation
- Generating steam for the majority of buildings on campus. Steam is used for building heat, domestic hot water, and cooking.
- Operating and maintaining three high pressure boilers.
- Servicing and maintaining the steam distribution system up to each building serviced on campus, through the utility tunnels
- Testing and maintaining proper water treatment of the boilers and cooling
- Maintaining all seasonal decorative water fountains on campus