Kansas Board of Regents Academic Advising Baseline
Kansas Board of Regents Meeting - May 19-20, 1999
Upon request and recommendation of the Council of Presidents, following the recommendation of the Student Advisory Council, Regent Robinson moved that the Board adopt the new policy on academic advising set forth below, to be added to the Academic Affairs section of the Board Policy and Procedures Manual (1995 Edition) at page 8D. Regent Lull seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
WHEREAS Effective Academic Advising occurs when students, faculty, and the university share responsibility in the Academic Advising System and when that System is then required to meet certain criteria, and
WHEREAS The Students' Advisory Committee appreciated the attention given to Academic Advising by the Board of Regents at the December Board meeting, and
WHEREAS The Board of Regents made it very clear that the constant improvement of Academic Advising is important throughout the entire Regents' system, and
WHEREAS Each Institution's Academic Advising System should produce certain end results for students, and
WHEREAS The Board of Regents has never officially stated the minimum standards that all Regents' Universities should meet regarding Academic Advising, and
WHEREAS The creation of said minimum standards could be combined into an Academic Advising Baseline, and
WHEREAS The Students' Advisory Committee would like to see the following Baseline adopted by the Board and included in the Policy and Procedures Manual.
SECTION 1. The Board of Regents' Academic Advising Baseline be established to ensure that all Regents' Universities Academic Advising Systems assist students in and provide for the following at each institution:
- Goal Setting. Each Academic Advising System should help students to set both short term and long term educational goals.
- Information. Each Academic Advising System should be able to accurately inform students of the graduation requirements of their department. It should be sensitive to the importance of strategic course selections so as to minimize the number of semesters required for graduation. Additionally, the System should be able to inform students of career opportunities in their field of study.
- Transitions. Each Academic Advising System should inform students how to change colleges and/or departments. Furthermore, the System should provide information to explain the process students follow to register in their curriculum and to drop or add courses during the semester.
- Accessibility. Each Academic Advising System should have reasonable hours of availability for students. Additionally, students should be able to set up appointments within the System for an adequate amount of time to make curricular selections and career choices.
- Referral To Campus Resources. Each Academic Advising System should be able to refer students to various campus resources including but not limited to: University Counseling, Office of Student Activities and Services, Career and Employment Services, Career Information Center.
SECTION 2. Each Academic Advising System shall provide information to students to inform them of their responsibilities in the Academic Advising process.
SECTION 3. Each Academic Advising System shall be responsible for the necessary training of Academic Advisors to assist them in meeting the requirements of this Baseline.
SECTION 4. Each Academic Advising System shall have a mechanism to assess Academic Advising at the Department level, considering the above Baseline, on a yearly basis and shall report the results of said assessment as part of Program Review to the Board of Regents.