Faculty Development Fund
The Faculty Development Fund is available to faculty members. All types of faculty are eligible and encouraged to apply for the Faculty Development Fund including adjunct, non-tenure track, tenure track, tenured, program specialists, and faculty teaching at our partner institutions. Applications are submitted in Workday Workflow and are accepted quarterly.
The application process has moved from SharePoint to Workday Extend as of August 2024.
See Applicant Instructions to access the new Faculty Development Workflow App.
Prior to submitting application
- Read the Definition, Criteria, and Procedures below.
- Review Applicant Instructions and sample Completed Form (prior form - same criteria).
- Viewing the how-to presentation is also recommended.
Understanding the Fund and Submitting a Quality Application January 2023 presentation
Recorded prior to 23-24 limit increase, form edits, and 24-25 move to Workday. Application criteria referenced remains unchanged.
2020-2024 Sharepoint Applications remain available for reference at this time.
Reviewer How-To's for chairs, deans, and administrative assistants.
Faculty development is defined as any activity that encourages faculty to acquire knowledge, skills, techniques, and attitudes to provide quality teaching and develop research/scholarly/creative activity and effective service at Fort Hays State University. Development is viewed as a process that is systematic and carefully planned. The plan is to be tailored to the individual and the individual's contribution to the Department or Program, the College, and the University.
- consistency with department/program, college, and university goals, priorities and mission statements
- clear delineation of benefits to the individual and the discipline
- clear delineation of benefits to the university
2. Upon completion of the initial screening, the committee will identify topics/proposals of special interest which go beyond simple travel requests, including:
- exploration of ideas, initiatives or activities outside the applicant's discipline or job area
- creative pedagogical or curricular enhancements which improve or develop the applicant's ability to deliver traditional or virtual learning experiences to students
3. Final evaluation will focus on ranking the remaining proposals by employing the following criteria in no specific order of importance with the exception of letter a:
- a) soundness and internal coherence of the applicant's written statement
- b) presentation of scholarly work or creative projects
- c) faculty seeking tenure
- d) tenured faculty seeking promotion, renewal or movement into new disciplinary areas
- e) extenuating need linked to travel, scarcity of the development activity and membership in departments/units with small OOE budgets
- f) effort by the applicant to seek external funding
- g) monies provided by the department and/or college as an indication of chair/dean support
- h) other extenuating factors not necessarily defined in the proposal
1. Complete the application using the space provided and include all requested information. Pay special attention to the following:
- If more than one individual is requesting support for the same activity, clearly indicate how costs will be shared.
- Accuracy and completeness of application. See Criteria.
2. It is the responsibility of the faculty to ensure their electronic application completes the chair and dean approval process prior to the deadline. Application arrival to the Provost prior to travel is recommended.
3. As of fall 2023, there is a $1,500 limit** per person per year with the exception of faculty who are presenting, in which case the limit is $1,700**. This is cumulative over an academic year. Travel internationally may be eligible for an additional $500 (does not include travel to U.S. states or territories unless individual resides in another country). Funds must be used within 12 months of date awarded for purpose stated on application. Funds not used within 12 months time period, will be returned to the faculty development fund.
**Normally, adjunct faculty who have been employed for 6 semesters are eligible for up to $800 of faculty development funds per person per year with the exception of faculty who are presenting, in which case the limit is $1000.
4. Faculty development applicants will not receive funding for the same development project twice, i.e., two applications cannot be submitted for one event. Note that faculty can submit yearly for annual conferences. An exception is available for higher cost events in the next academic year. Contact the Provost's Office regarding this bank roll over option.
5. Applications from applicants on leave from the university will not be considered.
6. Applications for tuition will not be considered. State funds cannot be used for tuition at FHSU or other institutions outside of the tuition assistance program.
7. Membership or professional license fees/dues must be ordinary, necessary, and benefit the university. Leaving university employment prior to membership/license end date requires university reimbursement of a pro-rated amount.
The Faculty Development Funding Committee will review applications twice per semester during the regular academic year. If approved, funding will be provided for a portion of the expenses. The deadline dates, including chair and dean electronic approval, are September 20, November 1, February 1, and April 1. If the deadline date falls on a weekend or holiday, the applications are due the first working day after the weekend or holiday.
Funding decisions are relayed to applicants after committee and provost review - approximately ten days to two weeks following the due date.