Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 1 -- General Policies
News Releases and Information
All news concerning the University, faculty, and organizations on the campus should be released through the Office of University Communications. This service is maintained to prepare the news in a professional manner, make it part of the University archive, and give it the widest possible distribution, including social media, newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. Faculty with a news item should contact University Communications, preferably the news director.
Along with University Communications, the University has an integrated, student-staffed news organization, The Tiger Media Network. TMN is not part of University Communications. Faculty desiring an event be covered by TMN should submit news items directly to TMN in person, or through the TMN website, along with the copy sent to University Communications.
Please note this important Board of Regents restriction: "No publicity or news release shall be given on any item that requires Board action until after such matter has been presented to the Board."
Kansas Board of Regents: Policies and Procedures Manual (05-16-91).