Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 4 -- Faculty: Benefits, Responsibilities, and Specific Requirements
Holiday Observations
State universities shall observe the following holidays for all exempt and non-exempt:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
*Veterans' Days
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
*Classes are in session
Unclassified and university support staff (USS) personnel shall be entitled to such other special holidays as may be declared by the Governor. USS and unclassified non-exempt employees required to work on such holidays shall be afforded compensatory time or compensation at the rate of one and one-half time for each hour worked. Unclassified employees are required to work on a holiday when classes are in session (e.g. Veteran's Day). USS and unclassified exempt employees who accrue annual leave who are required to work on a holiday shall receive equivalent time off when required by their supervisor to work on a holiday. The hours earned for working on Veteran's Day shall be used during the traditional phase down of campus operations between the Christmas and New Year's holiday . The hours must be taken in full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours) increments.
Unclassified and USS personnel within the state university system who accrue annual leave shall be entitled to one additional holiday per year to be taken at their discretion, subject to the advance approval of the individual's administrative superior.
Kansas Board of Regents: Policies and Procedures Manual (03-13-08).
Amendment regarding when classes are in session and regarding exempt unclassified employees approved by President's Cabinet (11-05-08).