Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 7-- Student Affairs
Student Services
The University provides many valuable services to its students. Important services related to a student's registration are available from the Office of the Registrar. These include dropping and adding courses, degree summaries and evaluation as well as furnishing transcripts, records, and letters of verification. Protection under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC Sec. 1232[g]) is guaranteed.
Many additional services are also available to students, including the following:
Academic advising
Academic success programs
Career counseling
Career services
Counseling services
Dining services
Drug, alcohol and wellness programs
Exchange programs
Financial aid and scholarships
Fiscal services
Health services (including insurance)
Identification cards
International student services
Library and interlibrary services
Memorial Union services
Orientation and early registration
Personal counseling
Residential life
Services for students with disabilities
Student Engagement Programs and Initiatives
Supplemental instruction
For prospective teachers, processing applications for certificates in both the initial and renewal phases of licensing is a service to both the students and the teaching profession. Along this line, the University endeavors to assist students in summer and intersession through work-study programs for learning while earning in on-the-job activities.
For former students, there are services available through the Alumni Association, the FHSU Foundation, the Half-Century Club, and several professional renewal and continuing education programs, some of which are extended beyond the campus.