Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 8 -- Public Affairs
The University seeks to maintain good public relations with all of its publics and encourages every member of the faculty to give the matter top priority. Whether it be with students or prospective students, their parents, representatives of the media, lawmakers, and government officials, or equally important, taxpayers who support higher education in Kansas, it is the policy of Fort Hays State University to take the necessary steps to ensure friendly, courteous, and businesslike treatment of all. This is especially important in terms of the following specific situations:
- Receipt, processing, and replying to oral and written inquiries from whatever source.
- Fair and reasonable reception and adjustment of complaints.
- Maintaining regular, posted office hours in order to be available to students.
- Advising University Relations and Marketing of newsworthy events and items in order for appropriate publicity releases to be made through regular channels.
- Meeting classes on time and working out an equitable grading plan readily understood by students.
- Speaking well of the University, its programs, student body, faculty, and the people of Kansas.
- Being appreciative of secretarial and clerical assistance in accomplishing faculty responsibilities.
- Taking time to get acquainted with current students and following the fortunes of former students and being ready and willing to contribute to their success wherever possible.
- Participating in faculty affairs and organizations which have as their major purposes the improvement of public relations.
- Participating in and providing professional expertise and leadership for community activities.
Scheduling of Events in University Facilities - see Use of Campus Facilities
The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to create additional contractual obligations or benefits.
NOTE: The provisions published in this Faculty and Staff Handbook are for general information only. Members of the collective bargaining unit represented by the Fort Hays State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors should consult the current Memorandum of Agreement for current terms and conditions applicable to bargaining unit members.