Wiest Hall
Wiest Hall was constructed in two phases in 1961 and 1971. Wiest A, a four-story building, provided housing for 140 male residents. A seven-story addition provided 141,883 gross square feet of housing for an additional 432 residents. Due to declining resident numbers and the continued deterioration of roofing, HVAC and plumbing systems, "A" wing was closed to residents in the early 2000s and razed in 2012.
Before becoming a co-ed dorm in the early 2000s, (approximately 2006), Wiest Hall B provided housing for men only. The last year Wiest was open for residency, only 238 men and women resided there. Wiest B was razed in the fall of 2017, following construction of the new Victor E Village dormitory, which was sited north and east of Wiest B.
Wiest Hall was named in honor of Dr. Charles F. Wiest, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Religion. He was first hired as an English teacher and appointed Professor of Philosophy and Religion in 1927. He retired in 1943. Dr. Wiest was one of two people associated with the college who drowned in the flash flood that inundated the southern part of the city of Hays and the campus on May 22, 1951.