Bachelor of General Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the BGS Degree?
The Bachelor of General Studies is a four-year liberal arts degree offered through the College of Arts and Sciences at FHSU.
2. What types of jobs or careers will I qualify for after having completed the BGS degree?
The BGS degree serves as a bridge to numerous graduate degree programs and prepares students for employment in areas not requiring specific baccalaureate degrees.
3. Will I be able to get into Graduate School after completing the BGS degree? What kind of graduate degree will I be able to work toward?
Many students move directly into a Graduate Program after completing the BGS degree provided they meet the requirements set forth by the specific graduate degree program (ie: grade point average, acceptable graduate exam, letters of recommendation).
4. What courses are required?
The Degree Requirements are outlined on the Web site.
5. Are the General Education requirements the same as for other degree programs?
The General Education requirements for the BGS are outlined on the Web site.
6. Who do I talk to about getting into the BGS program?
Students can apply for admission on-line from the FHSU Web site. Students will need to submit an application, application fee and official copies of other academic transcripts. Students who have been admitted to FHSU will be able to take advantage of early registration.
7. Is this an "easy way out" to get a college degree?
The Bachelor of General Studies is an option for students who need to complete a degree on-line. It allows them great flexibility in selecting courses. It allows students to transfer in coursework from other "regionally" accredited schools. There is no time limit for completing this degree so it allows students an opportunity to take a course per semester or several courses at a time.
8. In the emphasis portion of it, will I work with an advisor from that department?
An area of emphasis is 21 credit hours. Some students will transfer in hours toward an emphasis. We work closely with all the academic departments to help students with specific needs.
9. Can I complete the BGS degree program in four years? How many hours are required? How many of these are upper-division, lower-division? How many are in the humanities?
The degree program is 120 credit hours. How quickly you finish will depend on how many hours you have taken and how many you plan to take each semester. This degree program will allow students to transfer in up to 64 hours from a two-year school. 60 hours must come from four-year schools. A minimum of 30 must come from FHSU (either on campus or virtual). 45 of the hours must be upper-division.