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COE Downloads
Council on Preparation of Teachers and School Personnel (COPTSP)
The Council on Preparation of teachers and School Personnel (COPTSP) is the advisory policy committee for FHSU teacher education programs. It develops policies for teacher education programs and submits them to the appropriate administrative agency for review and subsequent approval. The Council approves admissions to the teacher education program and student teaching, reviews petitions requesting exceptions to policies and recommends criteria for teaching licenses. COPTSP membership consists of faculty from departments that have a state-approved teacher education program, students in an education major and ex-officio members. Meetings are held once a month, August through May.
- Process For Submitting Items to COPTSP
- Professional Teacher Education Program Policies - Undergraduate Level Programs
- Professional Teacher Education Program Policies - Graduate Level Programs
- COPTSP Bylaws
Licensure in Other States
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that candidates check with their state department of education and anticipated school site prior to participating in any internship or student teaching to determine any additional requirements that may be in place by that state. Failure to do so could result in needing to repeat that internship or student teaching.
The US Department of Education (Federal regulation Sec 668.43 A-C) requires FHSU to notify applicants who have an out-of-state address and are interested in or registered in degree programs that lead to state licensure or certification of individual state licensure requirements.
We are required to notify you if the program you are interested in or registered in will meet educational requirements to apply for certification or licensure in your home state. The official categories are: “Meets” and “Does Not Meet”. A “Does Not Meet” status does not indicate that you will be unable to obtain certification or licensure in your home state. Common causes for a “Does Not Meet” status include the following:
Your home state certification agency requires a transcript review prior to application for certification.
Your home state does not have an equivalent for an endorsement completed in Kansas.
Your home state requires you to take an additional course or exam specific to that state’s history or laws. These courses and exams are not offered in Kansas.
Upon obtaining a Kansas teaching license, FHSU’s programs for initial teaching licensure MEET the educational requirements for licensure in all other states except for:
New York
These states have a designation of “Does Not Meet” and have additional requirements that must be met first. If you live in or plan to live in one of the “Does Not Meet” states, you may still enroll in your selected FHSU program per Federal regulation, by agreeing to an Attestation statement that is signed prior to enrollment at FHSU.
Designated employee(s) to contact: 34 CFR 668.44
COE Licensure: Kerry Schuckman,, 785-628-4542
Institutional Compliance Officer, Laurie Larrick,, 785-628-4175