Dr. Darrell A. Hamlin
Associate Professor
Fort Hays State University
Rarick Hall 233E
B.A. American Studies, Baylor University
M.A. Political Science, Rutgers University
Ph.D. Political Science, Rutgers University
Courses Taught:
Justice in the Information Age
Comparative Justice Systems
Corporate Crime and Deviance
Criminal Evidence
Criminal Law and Procedure
Civil Liability
Drugs and Society
Serial Killers
Crime and Pop Culture
Advanced Seminar
Contemporary Criminological Theory
Fields Of Specialization:
Future Trends in National Security and Law Enforcement
Criminal Law and Public Policy
Popular Culture and Crime Theory
Civic Engagement
Other Professional Activities:
Editorial Board, eJournal of Public Affairs
AASCU Global Engagement Scholar
Affiliate Faculty and Coach, Kansas Leadership Center
American Political Science Association
International Coach Federation
Recent Publications:
Review of "The Painted King: Art, Activism, and Authenticity in Hawai'i," by Glenn Wharton, eJournal of Public Affairs, (September 2012).
"To Avoid Miscommunication, We Must More Clearly Speak the Language of the Heart in Public Life," The Journal: Inspiration for Civic Leadership in Kansas, Vol. 4, No. 2, (Fall 2012)
"Kansans Need a Shared Purpose to Guide the State," The Journal: Inspiration for Civic Leadership in Kansas, Vol 3, No. 1 (Fall 2011).
"Democracy is not a Miracle," The Journal of Kansas Civic Leadership Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, (Spring 2010)
"Surviving the Future: The Seven Revolutions Initiative as a Strategic Model for Curricular and Institutional Innovation." with Brett Whitaker, Teacher-Scholar, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Fall 2010).
Educating Globally Competent Citizens: A Tool Kit for Teaching Seven Revolutions, contributor, AASCU (2010).
Recent Presentations:
"Coaching 21st Century Students: The Global Challenges Curriculum as a Vehicle for Aligning Private and Public Purpose", with Dr. Shala Mills, Annual Meeting of the American Democracy Project, Denver, Colorado (June 2013).
"Old Crimes, New Markets: Profit-Driven Trends and the Implications for Law and Culture," Times Talk presented with Dr. Bryan Bennett, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas (April 2013)
"Civil Resistance and the Competent Morality of Citizenship," Tenth Anniversary Conference on the Meaning of Citizenship, Detroit, Michigan (March 2013).
"Half the Sky" Public Screening and Forum, Event Moderator, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas (March 2013)
"Vonnegut's View on Citizens and Science," Science Café, Hays, Kansas (February 2013)
"Finding Common Ground on the Death Penalty in Kansas," Event Moderator, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas (January 2013)