Department of Geosciences News & Events
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Welcome to the Geosciences News and Events page. This is your Geo Tiger Stop to learn about our hosted events, discover what's up in the department, and find out where alumni determination has taken FHSU education.
Dr. Richard Zakrzewski - Our colleague and mentor to many, passed away on December 24, 2024. Dr. Zakrzewski has been a part of the Department since 1969. He dedicated 43 years to teaching and research at FHSU, retiring in June 2012. His dedication to FHSU, research, and students did not end with his retirement; he continued with his research and was a regular working visitor in the department where fellow colleagues and students alike could find him. He will be greatly missed by many in the FHSU and Paleontology communities. A memorial mass was held 1:00 pm Saturday, January 4th, 2025.
We encourage you to continue to share your memories of ‘Dr. Z’ at FHSU on our social media or through the obituary and memorials link.
Check out the calendar below for hosted events, student opportunities, and public presentations.
Assistant Professor & Curator (Paleontology) - Interviews are in process.
Event Calendar
Alumni and Supporters
We like to hear from our Alumni! Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.
- Drop us an email, let us know where you are and what you are doing.
- Keep in touch via Social Media. Post on our department alumni & supporters facebook group, follow us on Twitter, and share your professional geo adventures with us.
- Stop by the department next time you are in town.
- Check out our For Alumni page on the web
Annual Department Hosted Events
Severe Weather Awareness Week (March)- Kansas is known for its variety of weather, such as flooding, hail, and tornadoes. This is a week dedicated to reviewing the serve weather safety practices.
FHSU Science Day - Science Day is a chance for area high school students to explore the world of science through various activities. Activities in the Geosciences Department in the past have included: understanding weather experiments, GIS activities, a fossil dig in which students will use scientific principles to search for and excavate relics of ancient organisms, the use of satellite images to identify several different types of human and artificial features based on location and appearance, and a chance to get wet and dirty while exploring the interrelationship of physical geology and geography. All activities are designed to engage students in exploring our fascinating Earth.
Earth Science Week (October) - The American Geological Institute established Earth Science Week in 1998 to raise awareness of the geosciences and its importance to society. It is supported by the US Geological survey, NASA, NOAA, the National Park Service, and the AAPG Foundation. Every year, the FHSU Department of Geosciences hosts daily and week long events to illustrate the importance, impact, and fun in having geosciences all around us.
National Fossil Day (October) - National Fossil Day, in conjunction with Earth Science Week celebration events, is hosted by FHSU's Sternberg Museum of Natural History. Various events for families and those interested in paleontology are available throughout the day at the museum. Check out the Sternberg Museum's website for complete details.
Geosciences Photography Contest (Fall) hosted by the Department of Geosciences and highlighting themes from the annual Earth Science and Geography Awareness Weeks. Contest is open to anyone who wishes to submit photos based on the earth science subjects of ecology, geology, water, weather, and a special categories reflecting the annual themes of ESW and GAW.
Geography Awareness Week (November) - This national event is celebrated on the FHSU Campus the third week of November each year by the Department of Geosciences with a series of activities and events to help raise awareness of the importance of geo-literacy and geo-education.
GIS Day (November) - Each year the FHSU Department of Geosciences celebrates the national GIS Day with activities and special guest presenters that highlight the effect and importance of GIS applications. GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing objects and events. It combines the power of a database with the visualization capabilities offered by maps. GIS technology is used throughout the world to solve problems in such areas as environmental protection, health care, land use, business efficiency, education, social inequities and much more. GIS Day is a grassroots, global event that was introduced in 1999 to enhance public awareness of the substantial contributions of GIS technology to all our lives. Once again, Fort Hays State University will participate with an open house, presentations, and workshops. Students, faculty, staff and the public are all invited to learn about GIS and how to use it.
Monthly Department Hosted Events
Travelogue Series - Each month, a guest speaker gives a presentation related to travel experiences. Previous speakers have entertained and educated the audience on the geology, geography, culture, beauty, and general travel experiences in various regions, states, and countries. The presentations are typically scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month. Check the master department calendar above for dates, times, and locations.
Colloquium Series - Guest presenters host talks and discussions on various topic of interest. The topics covered in this series will stimulate discussion, provide additional learning opportunities, and provide alternative points of view. The colloquium is open to any scientific or professional topic and presenters range from field professionals to university faculty and students. Check the master department calendar above for dates, times, and locations.
GeoGather- On the spot flashmob get together for all geopersons. Topics and hosts will vary from event to event.
Movie Nights - Ocassionally the department will host movies with geographic or geological themes. The movies selected are tied to topics covered in World Geography, Physical Geography, Cultural Geography, Physical Geology, and general geosciences topics. A short discussion follows each movie. Check the main calendar above or with course instructors for dates, times and locations.