Faculty & Staff
Stephen Schleicher
Title: Adjunct Professor
Department: Informatics
Emphasis: Media Studies (Radio/TV/Film), Web Development
Email: schleicher@fhsu.edu
Stephen Schleicher has crossed the country several times over the last few years going from Kansas to Atlanta, Georgia, and Southern California. In his time traveling, he has worked as an editor, graphic designer, videographer, director, and producer on a variety of video productions ranging from small internal pieces, to large multimedia corporate events.
Currently, Stephen shares his knowledge with students at Fort Hays State University who are studying media and web development in the Informatics department.
When he is not shaping the minds of university students, Stephen continues to work on video and independent projects for state and local agencies and organizations as well as his own ongoing works.
Stephen has been also a regular contributor to Digital Producer, Creative Mac, Digital Webcast, Digital Animators, and the DV Format websites, part of the Digital Media Online network of communities (https://www.digitalmedianet.com), where he writes about the latest technologies, and gives tips and tricks on everything from Adobe After Effects, to Apple's Final Cut Pro, LightWave 3D, to shooting and lighting video. He has also contributed to DVICE.com, the technology blog for the Syfy Channel and NBC. Stephen has co-authored several editions of the Adobe Classroom in a Book: After Effects, as well as training videos for Adobe After Effects.
Stephen has a Masters Degree in Communication from Fort Hays State University. As a forward thinker, he wrote his Thesis on how Information Islands and e-commerce would play a major role in keeping smaller communities alive. This of course was when 28.8 dialup was king and people hadn't even invented the word e-commerce.
Stephen spends what little free time he has biking, reading, traveling around the country, and contemplating the future of digital video and its impact on our culture.
He can be contacted at schleicher@mindspring.com or you can visit him on the web at www.mindspring.com/~schleicher
Courses taught:
FHSU Online
INT 472 Readings/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 826 Graduate Internship in Information Networking
INT 872 Readings in INT
INT 876 Professional Topics in Information Networking
INT 479 Internship/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
FHSU Online
INT 472 Readings/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 473 Problems/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 479 Internship/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 826 Graduate Internship in Information Networking
INT 872 Readings in INT
INT 876 Professional Topics in Information Networking
FHSU Online
INT 472 Readings/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 479 Internship/Information Net- working/Telecommunications
INT 650 Interactive Systems Design
INT 826 Graduate Internship in Information Networking
INT 872 Readings in INT
INT 876 Professional Topics in Information Networking