Major in Organizational Leadership
"What will Organizational Leadership do for me?" This is a great question that deserves a great answer. Whether you choose the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Major in Organizational Leadership, this 45-credit hour interdisciplinary degree program has been designed to make students as unique as its name. The innovative curriculum focuses on studying leadership in the context of modern organizations. Standard classroom practices do not apply here. Students will constantly be challenged to adapt and overcome, whether in the classroom or the field. To ensure our students become effective organizational players in today's workplace, they are constantly challenged to think critically, collaborate efficiently, and communicate effectively. Rather than preparing graduates for a single particular career, this liberal arts interdisciplinary degree program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for a broad range of organizational and supervisory positions. See possible Careers.
Curriculum Guide
Click here for a printable version of the Organizational Leadership Curriculum Guide.
Click here for the LDRS Core Course Rotation.
Click here to view Course Descriptions.
Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership
General Education Requirements: ~36 Credit Hours
Foreign Language Requirements: 10 Credit Hours
Major Requirements (36) and Cognates (6): 42 Credit Hours
Free Electives: 32 Credit Hours
TOTAL HOURS: 120 Credit Hours
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership
General Education Requirements: ~36 Credit Hours
Major Requirements (36) and Cognates (6): 42 Credit Hours
Free Electives: 42 Credit Hours
TOTAL HOURS: 120 Credit Hours
The Organizational Leadership Major requires 27 credit hours of core courses and nine credit hours of major electives. In addition, students must complete an additional 6 credit hours of cognate requirements.
Organizational Leadership Core Requirements
- LDRS 300 Introduction to Leadership Concepts (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 302 Introduction to Leadership Behavior (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 306 Leadership and Team Dynamics (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 310 Field Work in Leadership Studies (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 450 Advanced Leadership Behaviors (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 493 Capstone in Leadership Studies III (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 640 Principles of Civic Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 650 Principles of Organizational Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 670 Leadership and Personal Development (3 Credit Hours)
TOTAL HOURS: 27 Credit Hours
Students can register for the three courses listed below in the remaining nine credit hours. With special permission from an advisor, some major elective courses may be substituted for other related courses.
Major Electives
- LDRS 120 Issues in Leadership (1-6 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 200 Discovering Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 401 Advanced Leadership Seminar I (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 402 Advanced Leadership Seminar II (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 407 Global Challenges (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 420 Women and Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 490 Topics in Leadership Studies (various topics each semester) (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 600 Seminar in Organizational Leadership (various topics each semester) (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 651 Readings in Leadership Studies (1-3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 660 Global Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- MIL 201 Military Leadership Development (3 Credit Hours)
- MGT 411 Applied Management Skills
TOTAL HOURS: 9 Credit Hours
Cognate Requirements
- PHIL 340 OR PHIL 331
- PHIL 340 Ethics (3 Credit Hours)
- PHIL 331 Ethical Issues in the Professions and Business (3 Credit Hours)
- SOC 376 OR CRJ 360 OR POLS 105
- SOC 376 Diversity in the United States (3 Credit Hours)
- CRJ 360 Social Justice (3 Credit Hours)
- POLS 105 Current Political issues (3 Credit Hours)
TOTAL HOURS: 6 Credit Hours
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