Faculty & Staff
2024-2025 Faculty and Staff: Tayyabunnisa Tahera, Brent Goertzen, Diana Angarita, Seth Kastle, Donnette Noble, Justin Greenleaf, Jackie Gottschalk, Brett Whitaker, Emily Redding, Tamas Kowalik, Lori Kniffin
*Not Pictured: Daniel Ogbaharya, Arthur Ma, Ryan Olsen, Christopher Adams, David Salazar
Fulltime Faculty and Staff
Dr. Brett Whitaker

Chair/Associate Professor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119C
Office Phone: (785) 628-5614
Email: blwhitaker@fhsu.edu
Dr. Brett Whitaker's Homepage
Dr. Arthur Ma

Assistant Professor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:
Dr. Arthur Ma's HomepageDr. Brent Goertzen

Professor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119J
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: bgoertze@fhsu.edu
Dr. Brent Goertzen's Homepage
Mr. Christopher Adams

Instructor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:Email: cjadams2@fhsu.edu
Mr. Christopher Adams's Homepage
1LT Michael Mancuso

Officer Candidate School (OCS) Coordinator
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 118
Office Phone: (785) 628-4597
Email: mamancuso@fhsu.edu
1LT Michael Mancuso’s Homepage
Ms. Diana Angarita

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Contact Information:Office: Rarick Hall 119
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: deangarita@mail.fhsu.edu
Ms. Diana Angarita's Homepage
Dr. Donnette Noble

Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119B
Office Phone: (785) 628-4415
Email: djnoble@fhsu.edu
Dr. Donnette Noble's Homepage
Mrs. Jackie Gottschalk

Sr. Administrative Assistant
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119D
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: jkgottschalk@fhsu.edu
Dr. Justin Greenleaf

Professor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119G
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: jpgreenleaf@fhsu.edu
Dr. Justin Greenleaf's Homepage
Dr. Lori Kniffin

Assistant Professor of Leadership Programs
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119K
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: lekniffin@fhsu.edu
Dr. Lori's Kniffin's Homepage
Mr. Ryan Olsen

Contact Information:
Email: rdolsen@fhsu.edu
Mr. Ryan Olsen's Homepage
Dr. Daniel Ogbaharya

Dr. Seth Kastle

Associate Professor of Leadership Programs/Military Program Innovation Director
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119F
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: sdkastle@fhsu.edu
Dr. Seth Kastle's Homepage
Dr. Tamas Kowalik

Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119E
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: t_kowalik@fhsu.edu
Ms. Maggie Shupe

Student Office Assistant
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: m_shupe.se@fhsu.edu
Mrs. Mackenzie Zimmerman

Student Office Assistant
Contact Information:
Office: Rarick Hall 119
Office Phone: (785) 628-4303
Email: mrzimmerman.se@fhsu.edu
Other Faculty
Dr. Jill Arensdorf

Professor of Leadership Programs and Provost/VP of Academic Affairs
Contact Information:
Office Phone: 785-628-4241
Email: jrarensdorf@fhsu.edu
Dr. Christie Brungardt

Dr. Curt Brungardt

Professional Advisors
Katie Lunsford

Office Phone: (785) 628-4056
Email: kjlunsford@fhsu.edu
Advising last names beginning with A-E
Amber Kincaid

Office Phone: (785) 628-4029
Email: ajkincaid@fhsu.edu
Advising last names beginning with F-La
Britny Cox

Office Phone: (785) 628-5369
Email: bmcox4@fhsu.edu
Advising last names beginning with Le-R
Debbie Staab

Office Phone: (785) 628-5761
Email: dstaab@fhsu.edu
Advising last names beginning with S-Z
Adjunct Faculty

Ms. Pandora Bolt
Dr. Mike DeGrosky
Dr. Don Dunn
Mr. David Foster
Mr. Benjamin Houchen
Ms. Erin Kennedy
Ms. Cathie Klein
Mr. Karl Klein
Mr. Mike Knehr
Dr. Taylor Kriley
Ms. Sabrina Williams Gaddis
Dr. Jeni McRay
Dr. Kathy Nordyke
Ms. Kennedy Rogers
Ms. Jordyn Sanders
Ms. Hanna Short
Ms. Brittney Squire
Dr. Stacy Ward-Lattin
Dr. Jeff Wiggerman
Ms. Tammy Wellbrock
Ms. Kala Steffen
Ms. Suzanne Parker
Ms. Allison Muth
Mr. Michael Larson
Ms. Nicole Frank
What They're Saying
“The professors were highly qualified individuals that greatly influenced my life. These professors that taught me are people that will have a lifelong impression on me and I continue to strive to be like some of those individuals and apply the skills that I learned while attending school to my career and generally in life.” Tonya Hines, Spearville, KS, Organizational Leadership graduate