FHSU professor's article published in 'The Chronicle of Higher Education'
04/12/11 kkh
HAYS, Kan. -- An article by Dr. Theresa Billiot, assistant professor of management and marketing at Fort Hays State University, was recently published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, a publication for news, information and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
"Twitter Brings Classroom Engagement and Self-Fulfillment to Online Teaching" will be published in the Point of View and Commentary section.
"This is an article based on using Twitter with the online courses that has developed the 'face-to-face' campaign with more than 2,600 RSVPs," said Billiot.
An actual date for the article's publication has not yet been set.
Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle's online traffic is more than 14 million pages a month viewed by 1.7 million visitors. The print version has more than 68,000 academic subscribers with a total readership of more than 245,000, according to the Web site.
For more information on "The Chronicle," go to http://chronicle.com/.