FYI for local media: 2nd international fair set at FHSU
10/11/11 kb
HAYS, Kan. -- Students, faculty and staff at Fort Hays University can see possibilities for studying abroad at an international fair at Fort Hays State University from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, in the Memorial Union's Sunset Lounge.
"This is an opportunity to tell students about trips next spring and summer," said Dr. Tim Crowley, dean of the graduate school and assistant provost for internationalization.
The fair, dubbed the "Get World Ready Study Abroad Fair" will have information available from departments that offer study-abroad programs and will also have information on the kinds and amounts of financial aid and grant money available.
"This is a chance for students, faculty and staff to see what opportunities are available for short- or long-term study abroad," said Carol Solko-Olliff, director of international and disabled student services.
Programs available include opportunities in China Summer Study Abroad; Italy, Ireland and Peru from the Department of Geosciences; a Turkey and Greece Spring Break trip; The Americas Project: Volcanes Primary School in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Spain, Germany and Peru from the Department of Modern Languages; and a Social Justice and Civil Rights Tour. Opportunities are also available from the departments of Nursing, Leadership Studies, and Management and Marketing.
The Office of Internationalization, the Global Leadership Project, the Financial Aid Office and the National Student Exchange will also have tables.