Men's Ministry to host boot camp throughout Hays community
02/16/12 jb/jgm
HAYS,Kan. -- Extraction, a for-men-only boot camp training sponsored by the Men'sMinistry of Christian Challenge at Fort Hays State University, will start at 5p.m., on Saturday, Feb. 18, at CrossPoint-Hays Church, 1300 Harvest Road.
Extractionis "an epic adventure quest of valor, honor, strength and mental fortitudeto the house of light in enemy territory," according to the Men's MinistryFacebook page. It will start with snacks and a study about what it takes to bea real man.
"We'regoing to discuss and establish true leadership in love, service, integrity andhonor," said Riley Voth, 2010 FHSU alumni and Christian Challenge Men'sMinistry coordinator. "The focus will be one of establishing that, as awhole in our society, we've lost track of what it means to really be a man.We've compromised with culture and lost track of what God says growing out ofboyhood really looks like."
After the study, the physical part of the night will start. The men are urged to bring"warm athletic clothes, a strong heart, a sharp mind and someperseverance." Voth said the nature of the physical training will beannounced that night but checkpoints will be set up around the Hays communityand will end at the FHSU Lighthouse, 505 W. Seventh, where pizza will be servedat 7:30 p.m., and prizes will be awarded.
Men'sMinistry, a branch of Christian Challenge, is trying to live out service withinthe community for more productive and Godly living.
"Ourmain objective is to make the most of our time we have with the hundreds ofyoung men passing through this community every year," said Voth. "Wewant to train them to think better, live better and, above all, love JesusChrist and others better."
Women canalso get involved by volunteering to work the checkpoints or donate snacks andprizes.
Boot campis the first of several training opportunities that will lay the foundation for"infantry training" later on in the semester. These trainingopportunities will connect the "how" while understanding the"why."
"Historically,movements in communities or nations are usually started by collegestudents," said Voth. "We often dictate the culture. So, instead ofjust reacting to culture like Christians too often do, we're aiming to createthe culture instead."
For more information, to donate or to volunteer, contact Voth at 620-391-7340