SPURS announces new members
04/30/12 jgm
HAYS, Kan. -- Service, Patriotism, Understanding, Respect and Sacrifice, Fort Hays State University SPURS has announced its new members for the 2012-2013 academic year.
SPURS is an honor society and community service organization for sophomores who obtain a minimum 3.0 grade point average in their freshman year.
"My favorite thing about SPURS is the fact that we get to choose from an array of service projects and help the community in many different ways," said Sydnie Olliff, Hays junior. "We have helped at the community, state and now world levels of those in need."
Throughout the year, SPURS members meet each month to perform various service projects, such as collecting towels for the Humane Society, a raffle drawing for charity, helping with Special Olympics and handing out goodie bags during finals week.
New-member initiation and the swearing in of new officers was April 22 in the Stouffer Lounge in the Memorial Union.
"I am most looking forward to the leadership opportunities that being president of this honorable organization will bring," said Bailey Koerperich, Colby freshman. "I am excited for the opportunity to help out the community in many ways just by giving up some of my free time. I strongly believe that community service is an important responsibility for all people, and this will be another opportunity for me to get involved in Hays."
Freshmen selected for 2011-2012 are listed by hometown and office.
Abilene: Kendra Lemon; Luke Wright.
Atchison: Trisha Penning, secretary.
Chandler, Ariz.: Haley Bowser.
Colby: Bailey Koerperich, president.
Garden City: Bethanee Ochs, historian.
Greensburg: Brandon Taylor, co-treasurer.
Gypsum: Dakota Reese.
Hays: Rebecca Urban, co-treasurer.
Hutchinson: Darby Strawn, vice president.
Kingman: Kirstin Robinson.
Kinsley: Shaysa Sidebottom.
Loveland, Colo.: David Arebalo.
Salina: Cody Neuburger.
Solomon: Sarah Werling.
Victoria: Desirae Karlin, public relations; Anna Kuhn; Falynn Wasinger.
Wichita: Taylor Elkinton; Kaitlan Klitzke, spurshine.