FHSU social work program acquires 2 new agreements in 2-plus-2 program
05/29/12 mcw
HAYS, Kan. -- Community college students will have additional opportunities to work toward bachelor's degrees in the field of social work, thanks to Fort Hays State University's expanding web of connections with other schools. Colby Community College and Seward County Community College and Area Technical School have signed agreements with the FHSU social work program to participate in 2-plus-2 programs.
Two-plus-two agreements allow students at participating community colleges to complete the prerequisites for given programs and provide a smooth transition to the coinciding degree program at FHSU.
"We have 2-plus-2 agreements with many community colleges," said Dr. Tim Davis, director of the social work program at FHSU. "The 2-plus-2 allows the student to get the first two years completed at a community college without risking extending the time at a four-year institution."
Davis said that community college students can complete the first two years of required classes either on-campus or online. Students can then transfer to FHSU for three semesters of on-campus classes.
"All classes for the BSW are held on Tuesday and Thursday to make it easier for those who commute," said Davis. "The final semester is a field placement that the student can complete in their home community while commuting to Hays only every other Monday."
The programs initiated through Colby Community College and Seward County Community College and Area Technical School are in addition to 2-plus-2 agreements with Garden City Community College and Dodge City Community College. Davis said the programs act as incentives to community college students desiring social work degrees to stay at their local school and obtain associate degrees.
Davis said the 2+2 programs will keep the costs of education relatively low and will ensure that transferring students are prepared to enter their designated degree program.
"We are also hopeful that it will encourage more diversity at the Hays campus," said Davis.