'Get your Dirty on' at the Big Creek Mud Run
08/20/11 jgm
HAYS, Kan. -- "Get your Dirty on" at the Big Creek Mud Run on the Fort Hays State University campus east of the Gross Memorial Coliseum on Sunday, Aug. 26. The run is two miles of running, crawling and jumping through at least 15 obstacles.
Check-in will begin at 8 a.m. with parking available by the coliseum. Waves of 20 participants will start every 30 minutes beginning at 8:30 a.m. untill 2:30 p.m. The course is expected to take 45 to 90 minutes to complete.
Participants will receive a Mud Run T-shirt and a post-race meal ticket. Additional food items will be available for purchase. Food, live music and fun will begin with the start of the first wave and last until two hours after the start of the final wave.
The top male and female in each wave will receive a gift. Additional prizes will also be raffled during each wave.
Registration is required along with a $25 nonrefundable registration fee by Wednesday, Aug. 22. Registration will close when the maximum capacity is reached.
Participants must be 18 years or older by the time of registration, but everyone is welcome to attend and watch.
For more information or to register go to www.haysmed.com/dirtydash or contact Kelly Flaska at 785-623-6324 or by e-mail at kelly.flaska@haysmed.com.
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