Farley and Sexson publish results
FHSU professor, former student publish results of study in Journal of Wildlife Management
Dr. Greg Farley, professor of biological sciences at Fort Hays State University, and a former student, Matt Sexson, led a research project into the effectiveness of management techniques, in particular to how "free-living" animals respond to particular practices.
The article they wrote about their work is the cover story of the November 2012 issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management, the primary journal of the field of wildlife management. Sexson, who graduated from FHSU in 2006 with an M.S. in biological sciences, works for the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska.
The research project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Office in Denver. Their study, focused on snowy plovers, relied on data collected in Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska and also used undergraduate student labor for data collection.