TV and web station premiere
'Tiger Idea Commons' talks premiere
in spring semester
"Tiger Idea Commons," a show featuring local leaders sharing ideas for life, is broadcast by KFHS, the campus radio, TV and Web station at Fort Hays State University.
The talks take place at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Memorial Union's Cody Commons. Each talk is 15 minutes long and is recorded in high definition video for playback on TV and the Web.
Students, faculty, staff and the public are invited to join live in the audience as well. Mondo Subs in Cody Commons will provide a two-for-one sandwich deal during the presentations.
"Please bring a friend or colleague and join us for two-for-one sandwiches and shareable ideas," said Ron Rohlf, instructor of informatics.
Vernon King, Dallas, Texas, junior, recorded his speech, "Shake It Off and Step On It," at the first Tiger Idea Commons, on Feb. 12.
On Feb. 19, Dr. Gordon Carlson, assistant professor of communication studies, will present "Avoiding Zombies in the Academy."
Dr. Chris Crawford, professor of leadership studies and assistant provost for quality management, will present "Life Is Results or BS?" on Feb. 26.
Starting off the talks in March will be Kris Munsch, instructor of technology studies, presenting "The Birdhouse Project" on March 5.
On March 12, Dr. Robert Moody, associate professor of advanced education programs, will present "Googleocity."
For more information, contact Rohlf, at 785-628-4512 or