FHSU Safety Walk brings light to campus concerns
10/21/13 nh/kb
Members Fort Hays State University's Student Senate toured the campus Oct. 11 during the Annual Safety Walk. The Student Government Association, accompanied by University Police Chief Ed Howell, facilitated the walk to further ensure campus safety.
Students tested the University Police kiosk telephones, noted poorly lit areas and discussed other ideas for campus safety.
"I think it really opens the eyes of the students and campus police to the topic of safety on campus," said SGA Campus Relations Chair Carolyn Campbell, Denver senior. The important issue for students, she said, is lighting.
Campus lighting was a consistent topic throughout the night. Senators noticed burned-out bulbs and unmaintained shrubbery that contributed to the poor visibility of some areas that lacked lighting. Students hope to see dim yellow bulbs be upgraded to brighter fluorescent lighting, including on Dwight Drive.
For more information about the SGA Annual Safety walk, contact the SGA at 785-628-5311 or email c_roberts4@fhsu.edu.