5th annual majors, graduates fair moves from spring to fall
10/09/13 aja
Fort Hays State University's fifth annual Majors and Graduate Programs Fair will be a fall event instead of a spring one.
The move to fall is intended to assist students in the beginning of the year and encourage a larger attendance and to focus more on freshmen, who are more likely to be either undecided or unsure of the major they have selected in their first year of college, said Nikki Brown, coordinator of the Academic Advising and Career Center.
The fair, scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23, has been added to the ACCESS to Success Plan and Freshman Seminar syllabus to encourage freshmen to take advantage of the opportunity to talk to upperclassmen and staff about their majors.
"We hope that academic departments will be available to help freshmen learn about the many academic opportunities available at the institution and within their academic department," said Brown.
Faculty, staff and students from all academic departments will be available to talk to all students who want to explore their options.
Students will also have the chance to win prizes such as a Chromebook laptop, docking station, digital camera and much more.
For more information, contact Brown at 785-628-5577 or n_brown2@fhsu.edu.