FHSU scholarship campaign tops goal

At Fort Hays State University, 2014 was a year of change. The university welcomed a driven new president, Dr. Mirta M. Martin, and the largest freshman class ever, with an official count of 988.
Much more took place throughout 2014, and an especially ambitious initiative was the Power of One scholarship campaign. Announced in December 2013, the fundraising campaign was launched to establish scholarships for hard-working students and to recognize Dr. Edward H. Hammond's 27 years of leadership and success at Fort Hays State.
Officials from the university and the FHSU Foundation gathered in Sheridan Hall this morning to announce the results of the ambitious campaign. Current President Martin and former President Hammond unveiled a poster showing that the campaign had raised a much-needed $12,050,073 for FHSU students.
"This is a tribute to Dr. Hammond and what he has meant to this university, especially to the students," President Martin said. "In a new year, the success of this campaign demonstrates a new power to achieve. It is prima fasciae evidence of what a family can do when it comes together. The Power of One exemplifies the generosity of the FHSU family."
Tim Chapman, president and CEO of the FHSU Foundation, recalled that when the Power of One scholarship campaign was launched just a little more than a year ago, the goal was to raise $8 million by the end of 2014, and that was considered ambitious. Thanks to the support of alumni and friends, that original goal was surpassed by June, so an even more ambitious goal was set to raise $12 million by the end of December.
Former President Hammond joined Chapman and President Martin in expressing thanks for the generous donations. He said the recent dedication of Hammond Hall was a great honor and something he would be proud to show to his grandchildren, but he quickly added that the successful scholarship drive "is a living legacy that will benefit our students every year." He noted that the drive included more than 9,500 gifts from more than 5,300 individuals.
"This university has given me far more than I have given it," Hammond said. "I want to thank all the alumni and friends who understood the need for scholarships and responded with their gifts, and I also want to thank the Foundation staff for their hard work," he said.
Chapman read excerpts from thank-you notes received from FHSU students who have received scholarships. They included references to paying it forward, making the world a better place and providing financial assistance that reinforced the belief that attending FHSU was the right decision.
Even more moving, though, were remarks from two current students during the news conference.
Arin Powers, a Woodward, Okla., junior who is president of the Student Government Association, described herself as just one face of the many students who have been helped by scholarships. She described how she had come to FHSU on a golf scholarship, but after deciding she would not be joining the LPGA tour, gave her full attention to academics and the SGA in preparation for a law career.
"We live in a world where a college education has never been more important … or more costly," she said. Offering her "deepest appreciation and gratitude," she said she personally knew students who worked two and even three jobs, and who now, thanks to the scholarships, will be able to devote more time to the classroom. "Thank you for the investment you have made in our students and in me," she said.
Tre Giles, a Colorado Springs senior, also came to FHSU on an athletic scholarship, but he said an injury quickly ended his football career, and as a first-generation college student, he was about to leave college for lack of funds. He said an individual, whom he did not name, arranged for a scholarship that paid off his debt and allowed him to stay in school.
Now, after he graduates in May, he will leave to serve in the Peace Corps in the nation of Cameroon in Africa.
Giles said he did not know exactly what the word "scholarship" meant when he first arrived at Fort Hays State. "Now the word scholarship, for me, is a term that changed my life. Thank you for believing in the students on this campus."
Chapman said the FHSU Foundation received gifts of $10, $100, $1,000 and $1 million. "Every dollar contributed has and will continue to make a difference for Fort Hays State University for many years to come -- regardless of value. Those who made a gift to the Power of One scholarship campaign played a role in FHSU's year of change and the university is forever grateful for their support."
Chapman said the generosity shown by Tiger alumni and friends was tremendous, and he extended a gracious and heartfelt thank you to all who made this scholarship campaign a success.
"Your generosity and kind spirit throughout the years are what help to ensure a strong future for Fort Hays State University and our students," Chapman said. "With a new year upon us, please consider giving the gift of education in 2015. Although the scholarship campaign was a rousing success, scholarship support will continue to be the number one need at Fort Hays State.
To give the gift of education this year, please visit foundation.fhsu.edu or give the FHSU Foundation a call at 785-628-5620.