Recent graduates give back to Fort Hays State University

A couple who graduated from Fort Hays State University in 2012, and who remember how hard it was working through education and jobs, have decided to give back to the university by creating the Andrew & Jenna Dempewolf World Ready Elementary Education Fund and the Andrew & Jenna Dempewolf Finance Scholarship.
Both grew up in Kansas -- Andrew in Oberlin and Jenna in Victoria. They were very involved on campus; both were VIP Ambassadors, performed roles in the Student Government Association and were nominated for the Torch Award, which recognizes outstanding seniors.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance and he with a Bachelor of Science in elementary education. Andrew completed his Master of Science in educational administration in December.
Now living in Pierre, S.D., the couple recalled how difficult it was to work part-time jobs while earning their degrees -- not to mention making time to stay involved on campus.
Andrew remembers his long days filled with student teaching, working at an after-school program and then working until 10:30 p.m. at FHSU's Wellness Center. "I hope these funds really help students when they need it the most," he said.
Both awards will be given annually, with the elementary education fund providing assistance for an undergraduate student majoring in elementary education who is also pursuing teacher licensure.
"I hope that these funds can help future teachers focus on the students in their classroom instead of how they are going to pay their monthly bills," he said.
The finance fund will aid a junior or senior at Fort Hays State majoring in finance and who shows monetary need.
"We decided to give back because FHSU means quite a bit to us," said Jenna. "It's where we both decided what careers we wanted to pursue and where we received experience that has helped us in our careers. Most importantly, though, it is where we met after serving in the Student Senate. In short, Fort Hays State University has had an enormous impact on both of our lives."
The Dempewolfs are prime examples of what it means to give back. Although they are a young couple just beginning their careers, they are excited to make an investment in FHSU because they know how much these funds will help students. Every gift makes a difference in the life of a FHSU Tiger.
To visit with the FHSU Foundation about how to give the gift of education, please contact the office at 785-628-5620 or To learn more about the FHSU Foundation, please visit