Howell reelected to beef promotion committee

Dr. Brittany Howell, associate professor of agriculture at Fort Hays State University, has recently been elected for a second year to the national Beef Promotion Operating Committee, representing the Cattlemen's Beef Board (CBB) along with seven other Beef Board members and three Beef Board Officers.
Howell is one of 20 people from across the nation who make up the Operating Committee.
The Beef Promotion Operating Committee is responsible for developing the annual budget and for developing plans and programs in the areas of promotion, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing and producer communications.
The committee includes 10 producers elected by the Cattlemen's Beef Board and 10 producers elected by the Federation of State Beef Councils.
Howell was re-appointed to her second three-year term on the CBB in 2014 by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack from nominations submitted by certified nominating organizations that represent beef and dairy producers in each state or region.
She is involved in the cattle industry through her teaching of beef and dairy courses and through her husband, Danny's, lifetime involvement in the feedyard industry. She has also served on the Executive Board of the Kansas Beef Council since 2006.