Next FHSU Science Cafe to present 'New Horizons -- A Visit to Pluto Summer 2015'

HAYS, Kan. -- The New Horizons mission and its journey to Pluto will be the topic of discussion at Fort Hays State University's next Science Café at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 26, at Gella's Diner, 117 E. 11th St.
Dr. Paul Adams, professor of physics and Anchutz Professor of Education at Fort Hays State University, will present.
Launched in January 2006, New Horizons has traveled more than three billion miles in its journey to Pluto. It is scheduled to reach Pluto on July 14.
Adams will explain what New Horizons has discovered so far, what it hopes to find once it reaches Pluto, and where New Horizons is bound beyond Pluto.
Science Café is free and open to the public. The FHSU Science and Mathematics Education Institute sponsors the monthly Science Café.
For more information on Science Cafés at FHSU, contact Adams at or call 785-628-4538.