Next Encore Series performance by Presidio Brass: 'Sounds of the Cinema'

Tickets are now available for Presidio Brass: "Sounds of the Cinema," the next Encore Series offering. The performance will be at at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in the Beach/Schmidt Performing Arts Center on the Fort Hays State University campus.
Presidio Brass is five men from San Diego, Calif., performing with brass, piano and percussion instruments who have developed their own unique sound and original arrangements. Presidio Brass performs internationally and was recognized on National Public Radio, and members have performed with major symphonies.
Tickets are available through the Encore Series website,, or at the Student Service Center in the Memorial Union. Prices are $26 ($30 reserved) for the public, $24 ($28) for seniors and children ages 5 to 17 years old, and $17 ($21) for FHSU students.
This performance is sponsored by the FHSU Division of Student Affairs.