Beef - it's what's for Tiger 2015 service learning project

As a service learning project at Fort Hays State University, students in the Department of Agriculture's beef cattle production and management course, partnered with Farm Bureau (Collegiate, Ellis County and Kansas) to share information about beef cattle, along with free hamburgers and hot dogs on the campus quad on Thursday, May 7.
The sun broke out for the event to create a beautiful day for over 350 people to view informational posters about beef production and sample the students' favorite beef recipe. Collegiate Farm Bureau also brought to campus Dr. Dan Thomson, a veterinarian and international expert on cattle production and health, as well as the host of "Doc Talk" morning television show.
Also featured at the event was the Farm Bureau "Ag In Motion" trailer for participants to learn about other aspects of today's agriculture practices; displays hosted by Sigma Alpha sorority, Agronomy Club, Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity; and a watershed display hosted by Stacie Minson, Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watershed specialist.
Photo caption: Beef production students served the favorite beef recipe "Jalapeno Cream Cheese Meatballs." Left to right: Kelsey Tully of Wichita; Jessica Percival of Oxford, Neb.; and Mason Fischer of Cozad, Neb.