President Martin attends FHSU commencement ceremonies in China

President Mirta M. Martin is in China attending commencement ceremonies for graduates from the Fort Hays State University programs at partner universities Shenyang Normal University and Sias International University.
Traveling with President Martin are Provost Graham Glynn, Regent Zoe Newton, Vice President for Technology Joy Hatch, Alumni Director DeBra Prideaux and Assistant Provost for Strategic Partnerships Cindy Elliot.
Also accompanying the group and coordinating travel schedules is recent FHSU graduate Shu Chen. Chen received his Master of Science in Communication from FHSU this spring and is an administrator for Sias.
The group's itinerary includes visits to other partner institutions, as well as outings to various sightseeing destinations such as the Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses.
President Martin's trip photos are available on the FHSU Facebook page at and