U.S. News releases 2015 Best Online Programs for Veterans listings

Today Fort Hays State University's online bachelor's, graduate education and M.B.A. programs are being recognized on U.S. News and World Report's website as among 2015's Best Online Programs for Veterans.
The listing includes rankings for the online bachelor's programs and online master's degree programs in business, education, engineering, nursing and computer information technology. New this year, U.S. News ranked online MBA programs for veterans.
FHSU ranked No. 15 for online bachelor's degrees, No. 27 for online graduate education and No. 66 for online MBA programs that are high-quality and flexible options for veterans. The list can be found at www.usnews.com/.
To qualify, FHSU had to be among the top 75 percent of schools in the overall 2015 Best Online Programs rankings released January 2015 by U.S. News.
Along with being in the top 75 percent, FHSU qualified because it is a GI Bill-certified institution, participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, and charges the same online tuition for in-state and out-of-state veterans.