FHSU students return to campus for 2015-16 school year

By Diane Gasper-O'Brien
What's the best way to move your child to college when you have to cross two state lines?
Rent a U-Haul trailer -- that way, you can move two students at once.
That's what Dean and Rebecca Dickson, Wray, Colo., did when their daughter Nicole picked Fort Hays State University as her destination of choice.
The Dicksons, moving a child to college for the first time, learned firsthand just how challenging that can be, whether it be searching for their resident assistant to pick up their room keys or waiting in line for an elevator.
They were among the hubbub on campus Thursday as students emptied their vehicles and were greeted by volunteers who helped carry their belongings into residence halls.
Nicole, a nursing major, brought along her friend and roommate, Morgan Buck, and the two freshmen-to-be were giddy as they started to arrange their room on the fourth floor of McMindes Hall.
The girls became friends their senior year in high school and visited FHSU together. Both applied at other colleges but chose FHSU.
"We were kind of set on this last October," Nicole said. "So here we are."
They won't have much chance to get homesick. Several more of their classmates also live in McMindes and a couple more in Wiest Hall. In fact, more than a dozen students from the last two graduating classes in Wray are now FHSU Tigers.
Ryan Glogau, Lawrence, is already considering Fort Hays State to pursue his education when he graduates from Lawrence Free State High School in 2017. That's because he liked what he saw when his older brother, Eric, visited FHSU.
Ryan and his dad, Lee, were on hand Thursday to help Eric move into McMindes. Eric, who will be a freshman, wants to become a park ranger or game warden someday, and he plans to major in agriculture. Ryan is "into computer science."
"He got to take a peek at that department when Eric came to visit, and he was impressed," the Glogaus' dad said. "Ryan also does marching band, so we'll see."
Like Nicole Dickson, Ky Smith from Dodge City knows several current Fort Hays State students.
She is a transfer from Dodge City Community College, and she and her mom, Amy Smith, were busy getting her settled into her room Thursday.
"I have a lot of friends who go here, and I visited and liked it," said Ky, an education major. "I heard good things about the education department. I'm excited."
While Ky appeared to be totally comfortable with the transition, Amy wasn't so sure. An only child, Ky lived at home while attending DCCC.
"She'll probably love it, and I'll probably hate it," Amy said. "I'm glad we're not very far away."
After the busy morning, new students were to begin participating that evening in Tiger Impact Fall Orientation Weekend, which features a variety of get-to-know-each-other activities.
"I'm excited," Nicole Dickson said. "Hays has a small-town feel, but there's still a lot to do."
The full Tiger Impact schedule can be found online at www.fhsu.edu/fye/tiger-impact.