Sternberg Museum plans Denver trip

By Randy Gonzales
University Relations and Marketing
David Levering, the education director at Sternberg Museum of Natural History, wants to share his passion for science -- and throw in some craft and specialty beers, too.
"Sternberg Outbound: Denver" is the result. Levering will lead a trip to Denver for adults to explore both science and beer from Friday, Oct. 9, to Sunday, Oct. 11. Levering has tried to lead a trip to Denver twice before, but could not generate enough participants.
"We've got a pretty well set audience for kids' programs," Levering said. "The goal was to try to do some things that might appeal to older audiences -- at least, different audiences."
The first day of the trip will include a tour of the Sternberg Museum research collections, followed by lunch at Gellas Diner & Lb. Brewing Co. A tour plus meeting with the brewers of Defiance Brewery, also in Hays, will be after lunch, before the group travels to Denver.
"There are certain things in science that I find very interesting," said Levering, who has been home brewing for two years. "I am not a microbiologist, but I find the process of beer-making to be scientifically interesting. When I find something like that, it's something I dive into with a fair amount of intensity."
The first day in Denver, the group will visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
"We'll be getting their really cool behind-the-scenes VIP tour of their fossil research collection," said Levering.
After lunch, the group will visit a couple of breweries -- River North Brewery and Epic Brewing Denver -- before having dinner and visiting De Steeg Brewing, where group members will get to talk with brewmaster Craig Rothgery, who is formally trained as a mechanical engineer.
"We're going to focus our conversation with him on the machinery that goes into a modern brewery."
On the last day of the trip, the group will travel to Boulder to visit Boulder Fermentation Supply homebrew shop.
Levering said a minimum of eight people need to sign up to make the trip possible. The cost -- including lodging and transportation but not meals or drinks -- is $240 for Sternberg Museum members and $260 for non-members. Levering said there is no hard deadline, but people should sign up by the end of the month. Signup forms are available online at
"I am very excited about the idea of doing the trip," Levering said. "I think that it could be a really cool experience to give people a different taste of science."