FHSU Honors College to host event for high school students

10/07/15 cu
HAYS, Kan. -- Fort Hays State University's Honors College will host Honors for a Day, open to all high school students who want to learn more about the Honors College, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16.
Attendees will spend a day meeting professors, connecting with other high-achieving students, taking a campus tour and sitting in on an honors class.
The Honors College aims to provide an enhanced college experience both inside and out of the classroom for students who enjoy a challenge.
"The Honors College offers more than just a superior educational experience," said Jordan M. Glynn, Ellis junior, who is marketing, publicity and outreach director. "It provides a familial environment for students."
Honors College students are guaranteed their own floor, "with plans for new dorms in progress, continuing to foster a family-like bond," said Glynn.
For more information, contact the FHSU Honors College at fhsuhonorscollege@fhsu.edu, or to RSVP for the event visit www.fhsu.edu/honors/Honors_for_a_Day/.