Science Café goes to Mars

11/13/15 rr
HAYS, Kan. -- The Fort Hays State University Science and Mathematics Education Institute will transport science enthusiasts to Mars with its upcoming Science Café "The Martian: Reality or Hollywood Movie Magic" Thursday, Nov. 19, 7 p.m., at Gella's Diner, 117 E. 11th St.
The café is open to the public, regardless of science knowledge, and will consist of a lecture and open discussion period. Dr. Paul Adams, Director of the Science and Mathematics Education Institute, will explore science and engineering in the novel and critically acclaimed movie "The Martian."
The story focuses on an astronaut who has been stranded on Mars and struggles to survive long enough for a rescue team to reach him. The author, Andy Weir, researched astronomy, relativistic physics, orbital dynamics and more before writing the book, and Adams says that the science is solid.
"We're going to look at some vignettes from the movie and discuss topics such as designing a habitat to grow plants, solar cells and transports, launch point and travels, and whether digging up plutonium is as hazardous as the character made it," said Adams.
The café will also explore whether a manned mission to Mars is feasible and how the discovery of water on Mars might impact how humans explore and interact with it.