6th annual 'I Fed the Tiger' campaign exceeds fundraising goal for FHSU

12/17/15 hb/kb
HAYS, Kan. -- Thanks to the generosity and support of donors and matching gift sponsors, Fort Hays State University's sixth annual "I Fed the Tiger" campaign concluded on Dec. 11, raising a total of $34,675, according to the FHSU Foundation.
All six matching gift categories exceeded their individual goals.
Whether the gift comes from a student, alumni or friend of the university, "I Fed the Tiger" allows that gift to be doubled, up to $100 per gift, while the matching funds last. A gift of $50 to the Department of Psychology, for example, makes a $100 impact.
With the campaign growing in popularity, many gifts were matched within the first few hours of the campaign. The Campus Life category was full before the end of the first day. Many student organizations utilize the "I Fed the Tiger" campaign to provide additional funds to attend conferences or to go on educational trips.
Unique campaigns like "I Fed the Tiger" highlight the generosity shown by fans of Fort Hays State. Without corporate sponsorships and gifts from generous donors, Fort Hays State could not attract, recruit or retain the many gifted students and exceptional faculty that make FHSU great.
The Foundation and the university thanks the sponsors who made this campaign possible: Baconrind Appraising Services, 8th Street Liquor, McDonald's of Hays, Coldwell Banker Executive Realty, Midwest Energy Inc., Haselhorst Construction, RDH Electric and Pishny Financial Services.
The total represents more than 230 gifts.
To learn more about the Fort Hays State University Foundation, visit http://foundation.fhsu.edu or contact 785-628-5620 or foundation@fhsu.edu.